Page 21 of Always You

“You could say that,” Star said. “She hasn’t stopped talking about him.” Skylar was driving Star mad with her constant chatter about Uncle Lucas’s son. Skylar wanted to know all about Damian and how Star knew him. If Star didn’t know better, she’d think Skylar had a crush on Damian Hunt. Not that she could blame her daughter – she had good taste.

“Well, I think the cookies will go down a storm. He’s currently on with the Board,” Pam said, pulling a face. “A few of them want to replace Lucas as CEO, and Damian is having none of it,” Pam whispered. Damian and his father were majority shareholders, so Star knew this was something Damian could hold off, but that kind of pressure was never easy, especially as she’d heard Damian was also overseeing the New York office as well as the London one. He was stretching himself too thin.

Damian’s door flew open, and the air around him seemed to crackle with the fury emanating from him. Star shrank into the chair, not wanting to be caught sitting and gossiping with Pam. Damian moved towards Pam’s desk, his face like thunder and clearly unaware of her presence.

“Pam, I need Chris Hanson on the phone as soon as he gets into the New York office,” he said.

“Is everything all right?” said Pam.

Damian’s shoulders deflated at the sound of concern in his godmother’s voice. “Just a few members of the Board needing a small reminder,” he said, before noticing Star sat in the chair opposite Pam.

Star held up her hand. “Don’t mind me,” she said. “I’ll be going, Pam.”

“Star …” Damian started.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t hear anything,” she said. Dark shadows circled his eyes. She clearly wasn’t the only one not sleeping, although she their sleepless nights were for very different reasons.

“Thank you,” Damian said, glancing down at the desk, the fight having left his body. He picked up Skylar’s drawing and a small smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. “Thank Skylar for me,” he said, surprising Star. “I’ll make sure Dad gets his card.”

“There are cookies there, too,” Star said. “Make sure Pam shares.”

With that, Star made a speedy exit. Every muscle in her body had begun to tingle at his arrival and she needed to get away to pull herself together. As she entered the lift, Damian was already grabbing the container of cookies from Pam, laughing at something she said. At least he looked calmer now. The draw to pull him into her arms and tell him everything was going to be okay had been a strong one, but that wasn’t Star’s place. Pam was there and she’d look after him. Star had given up that privilege years ago.


After work, Star headed to the hospital. She’d been to the shops and picked up a fruit basket, knowing that Skylar’s cookies were not what one should bring a man who’d just had open heart surgery. Star had been surprised when Mary had called her. She had stayed away, not wanting to rock the boat any further where Damian was concerned. He’d been hurt by her close relationship with his parents, and Star was loath to rub his face in it any further. Mary, however, had been insistent that she come and visit Lucas, especially after Damian had delivered Skylar’s card. Mary said that Lucas wouldn’t rest until Star had been in, and that Star should understand, as she knew how stubborn he was.

The private hospital was more like a five-star hotel with its plush seating area and wooden front desk. No NHS for Lucas Hunt – that’s for sure. Star, following the instructions Mary had given her, made her way up to Lucas’s ward.

“Star, so glad you could come.”

Star was swept into a hug before she had time to react. Luckily, she had placed the basket down on the nurses’ station so she could hug Mary back. Holding Star at arm’s length, Mary gave her the once-over. “Beautiful as ever, although you look like you’ve lost some weight,” Mary said and tutted. “I hope that boy of mine isn’t working you too hard.”

Star laughed. “I’m fine, Mary, I’ve just been busy with work and a six-year-old. Damian has been fine – he’s definitely not breathing down my neck.” A blush spread over her cheeks as Star realised how it sounded.

Mary’s expression was contemplative, but she didn’t say anything. Grabbing Star’s hand, she led her down the corridor. “He’s dying to see you. I’ve confiscated his phone to stop him working, but he is desperate to hear how everything went. The doctor has told me it would be better for his stress to let him work it out.”

As Star entered Lucas’s room, she was shocked at how frail he looked.

“Star! Thank goodness,” Lucas said, straightening himself up in his bed. “Someone who will come and talk to me! They’ve banned all forms of communication – I’m a prisoner to the hospital.”

Placing the basket on a side table, Star stepped up to the bed and grasped Lucas’s outstretched hand. “It’s good to see you, Lucas – you gave us quite a scare!”

“Hmph! It’s all been blown out of proportion.”

Star looked at Mary, who gently shook her head. Obviously not out of proportion at all, but simply frustrating for a man who, until a couple of weeks ago, had been the hands-on head of a multinational, billion-pound advertising company. Mary had pulled up a chair so Star could sit. Thanking her, Star turned back to her mentor and squeezed his hand.

“So how is it going?” he asked. Glancing at Mary, he added, “and don’t leave anything out!”

“It’s all good. Matthew Morris was incredibly happy with the presentation and the results of the focus group.” Star gave him the rundown, leaving out all the negative press about Jackson. Damian had dealt with that; it was not something his father needed to be concerned about.

“Are you going to tell me what happened with Jackson Brown?” Damn, Damian had obviously filled his father in.

“It’s nothing you need to worry about,” Star said firmly. “He’s gone and it’s all been dealt with.”

Lucas did not look pleased. “Damian said it had obviously been going on for a while. Why didn’t you say anything to me? I’d have sorted out that upstart in a moment.”

Star looked to Mary for support, but found none forthcoming. “There are certain battles I need to fight on my own. You can’t fight all my wars for me, Lucas. If I want this promotion, then I need to earn it. Running to the boss isn’t an option.”