Page 3 of Always You

“Thank you,” Star said to Pam. “I better go and let the team know the good news. They’ll all be on tender hooks.”

Star headed back downstairs and gathered the team together. The new LiveIt sportswear line was cutting-edge, offering an alternative to the current brands on the market. Star was determined the campaign would meet all their client’s needs and more.

The team spent the rest of the morning rechecking their research and looking at the various focus groups they had put in place should the client give the go-ahead. Jackson had been decidedly quiet, working diligently alongside his colleagues, taking notes and even contributing. He’d failed, and he clearly realised it. A point to Star.


When Star arrived home, she took a moment to herself before getting out of the car. Today’s presentation had gone better than expected. She’d shown everyone what she was capable of, and that their faith in her was justified. Tonight, she was back in her role of Mummy and, she chuckled to herself, “house builder”.

The front door flew open, and Skylar dashed towards the car. Laura stood at the door, her arms folded, a grin on her face. Star could only imagine the conversation Laura had been having with Skylar for the past hour.

Skylar ran up to the car window, scanning the front seat. She shot Star a look of horror before Star shooed her back and stepped out of the car. Skylar moved in for a quick hug, before looking up hopefully at her. Star tapped her lips, as though not sure what she was being asked. Skylar’s face dropped, but she said nothing, and stepped back in for another hug, trying to hide her disappointment. Star took Skylar’s hand, leading her to the boot of the car. Skylar bounced on the balls of her feet, realisation dawning. The boot was full of supplies. Star knew she had bought more than she needed, but didn’t want to make any further trips this week. Even if this house was going up in flames by the end of the week. One evening at the craft shop was more than enough, but a warmth spread through her chest as she watched Skylar rummaging through the bags, her eyes wide with pleasure.

“You are the best mummy in the whole wide world,” she whispered before making a grab for one of the bags.

As Star watched the little girl glow with excitement, she thanked the universe that the local store had everything they’d needed for the project. The thought of disappointing Skylar was heart-wrenching. In her brief life, this little girl had already lost so much; Star would give her the world if she could.

Laura joined Star and Skylar at the car, the three of them carrying in their supplies, including the large bunch of flowers Star had bought for Laura. Skylar chatted nonstop, telling Star how she had told her teacher they were building their house this evening. Star groaned, which made Laura chuckle. Now Skylar’s teacher would know how disorganised she was.

Once inside, Star took charge of Skylar, who was busy tipping the contents of each bag over the floor. Star picked up the remaining bags from the floor and explained that, before they built the Tudor House, she needed to get out of her work clothes. She set Skylar the task of clearing the kitchen table and laying out all the pieces in groups. As Star walked up the stairs, she sent the template to the house printer before heading to her bedroom.

Star sat on the edge of the bed, her body folding in on itself. Her late night and hectic day were catching up with her; even the many coffees she’d consumed were wearing off. She knew to linger would mean she’d fall asleep, and she couldn’t do that to Skylar. After taking a deep breath, Star headed to her en suite and threw cold water on her face. She grabbed her most comfortable clothes and headed back downstairs, where she heard Skylar’s chatter.

Laura had rescued the printout, and she and Skylar were already going through the instructions, laying out the template on top of the cardboard. Laura was watching and guiding Skylar as she cut out the pieces, as only a primary school teacher knew how.

Star sat down at the table, picking up a piece of the template. She still found it hard to believe how lucky she was to have such amazing friends who had stood by her all this time. It had been her decision to raise Skylar, and they had never questioned her choice. They had been there with her every step of the way, taking some of the night-time feeds when she was so punch-drunk she struggled to put one foot in front of the other. Loyal friends in every sense of the word.


“All done!” Star said as she finished the last cut of the template.

“Yay, Mummy, you’re amazing,” Skylar said, jumping off her chair and throwing her arms around Star’s neck.

“Hey, what about me?” Laura said, holding up her cut-out for Skylar to see.

“You’re super amazing, too, Aunty Laura,” Skylar answered, switching her super hug to Laura, who squeezed her back hard.

Star looked at the clock. It was getting close to Skylar’s bedtime, and she needed some time to regroup. “Right, I’ll clean everything up,” she said, turning to her daughter. “You, munchkin, need to get into your PJs …”

“Wash my face and clean my teeth!” Skylar chanted. She gave Laura one last squeeze before heading for the stairs.

Star pulled herself up and started stacking the cut cardboard before returning all the extra bits into the bags. Laura, in the meantime, returned with a recycle sack for the waste cardboard.

“You know, you could always see if your mum can have Skylar for the weekend,” Laura said, scrutinising her friend. “You and I could hit the town before this baby bump gets too big? Let our hair down? I don’t remember the last time you went out.”

“Last week, remember. I went to the pub,” Star said, giving her friend a cocky smile.

“That doesn’t count. That was a client meeting,” Laura said, crossing her arms. “I’m talking about goingout. Where you are choosing to socialise. A time when you may meet someone.”

Star fixed Laura with a challenging stare. “I don’t have time to meet anyone, and I’m happy with the way my life is. I have you guys – what more can a girl want.” Laura’s look said it all, so Star added, “I know you worry, but I can’t be bothered with adding more complexity to my life.”

“Okay, but what about your needs, Star? You’re a twenty-eight-year-old, beautiful woman who’s in her prime. You need physical contact. I don’t know how you do it. You haven’t been with anyone since Damian as far as I’m aware. Don’t you miss it?”

Star let out a laugh. “When would I have the time? I need this promotion if I’m ever to get out of your and Toby’s hair. Once we have our own place, then I can ‘try’ finding a man. But I’m happy – really, I am. Skylar is everything I need.”

“Toby and I love having you and Skylar here. You’re family. The house wouldn’t be the same without you. Skylar is going to be our little one’s big sister, so you can’t leave. We don’t want you to move out. You know that!”

Star rested her hand on her friend’s growing bump. “You, Toby, and the baby will want all the space you can. You won’t want us underfoot.”