Page 15 of Always You

Damian turned to Star and gave her the same look.

Raising an eyebrow at Damian, Star smiled at Skylar and nodded. “But, you have to read all the amounts and use the scales.”

Skylar nodded and threw her arms around Damian’s legs. Like mother, like daughter, this man was a magnet. In less than thirty minutes, Skylar was infatuated, just like Star had been nine years ago.

The audible click of the front door announced a new arrival. “Uncle Toby!” Skylar yelled, rushing from Damian, out of the kitchen and into the hallway. A second later, a laughing Toby was dragged into the kitchen by the hand, his eyes fully on Skylar. “Uncle Toby, meet Damian. He knew Mummy lots of years ago and he’s Uncle Lucas’s son.”

Damian had frozen at the sight of the new arrival, while Toby kept his attention on Skylar, sweeping her into his arms and tickling her. “I know Damian too, squidge,” he said finally returning the squirming bundle to the floor and raising his eyes. “Good to see you again, Damian.”

Holding out his hand to Damian, they both froze, before Toby dropped his hand. Ignoring Damian’s rudeness, he went to Laura and pulled her in for a quick hug.

Damian scowled and Skylar laughed. “They’re always lovey dovey,” she said before skipping off.

An awkward silence descended on the kitchen now Skylar had left.

“One friend not good enough, Toby. You had to swap?” The venom in Damians’ voice was unmistakable.

Toby flashed Star an angry look. “This is on you. Laura, let’s go. We’re not getting into this here.” Laura sent Star an apologetic look, but followed Toby from the room.

“Thank you for the lift home, but I think it’s time you left,” Star said.

“Six. Wow, you didn’t waste much time. I know she’s not mine, but as she called him ‘Uncle Toby’, I’m taking it she’s not his either.” It wasn’t so much a question as an accusation.

The venom in Damian’s tone was like a punch to the gut. Star staggered back under the pressure. “Get out!” she spat. She didn’t owe him an explanation, and she was too tired to fight.

Damian headed past her to the door. “Maybe I never knew you at all!” Not waiting for a response, Damian left without looking back.

Star sank onto the kitchen chair, deflated. Skylar entered the kitchen her favourite doll in hand. Her face fell when she realised Damian had left. Pulling her daughter into her arms, Star said, “Sorry, sweetie, Damian had to go. You know Uncle Lucas isn’t well. He needed to go and visit him in the hospital.”

Keeping her head buried so Skylar couldn’t see her glistening eyes, Star promised her daughter they would make cookies over the weekend and she’d deliver them to Damian on Monday. Pulling herself together, she went in search of Toby and Laura. She had some serious grovelling to do.

Chapter Six

Putting the disaster of Friday evening behind her, Star stayed out of the house all day Saturday, determined to give Toby and Laura some space. Toby was unhappy with what had occurred on Friday night and Star couldn’t blame him. He’d been insulted in his own home, by her ex-boyfriend, over drama she’d pulled him into seven years previously. Laura had sided with Toby, which wasn’t surprising. She’d been horrified by Star’s plan all those years ago, and had been disgusted at Toby for the part he’d played in it.

Toby and Laura had been Star’s best friends for so many years, so when she’d asked Toby for his help, although he’d had his reservations, he’d agreed. Now he was facing the consequences, but without telling Damian the whole thing had been a lie, Star was stuck. She was certain, however, that the past needed to be left where it was, as nothing had changed and raking it up would only lead to more pain. Toby would have to live with it. There was no reason he would have to see Damian again while Damian was in the UK. Star certainly wouldn’t be forgetting her keys or taking lifts from a tall, dark and handsome man, who was by all accounts a complete stranger.

The weekend was over in a flash. Toby had come round on Sunday, after Skylar and Star had cooked everyone a large roast dinner with all the trimmings, topped off with apple crumble and custard. Laura, however, was a different matter. She wanted Star to confess to Damian what she’d done seven years ago and clear the air. Star agreed to think about it, but had backed away from that particular argument, hoping her friend would drop it over time, or Damian would simply disappear back to the US office and the need would be moot.

Monday morning came around too quickly and the sick feeling reappeared. The project was going well, but every step forwards she’d made with Damian last week had evaporated on Friday night. Unsure how she was going to explain Skylar if Damian asked, or Toby and his relationship with Laura, Star decided to just stay out of Damian’s way. The client was due in this week, so she had the perfect excuse to be too busy if he did ask to see her. Star even toyed with the idea of asking Pam to run interference. Who was she kidding? Damian probably never wanted to set eyes on her again, and for some reason that left her feeling empty inside. She realised how much she’d been keeping her eyes open for him last week when she knew he was back. She really was in trouble.

The next two days went by without incident. Preparation for the client meeting was in full flow, the team more engaged now that Jackson had left. Apparently no one had heard from him since his departure, although Star was not sure if anyone would want to admit being associated with him after everything that had gone down. Instead of worrying, she decided to focus her thoughts and effort on the results which were in from the latest focus group. Star had organised for a few members of the team to have a sit-down and go through them, inserting the latest data into the presentation.

“Star, there’s something wrong with the focus group data.” Sandra came bundling out of the meeting room towards her desk.

“What do you mean?” Star put down the printout she was looking at.

“These results are for the marketing campaign we scrapped, or, should I say, the client rejected. It doesn’t match what we’ve just received.”

Star pulled up the data on her own screen, and sure enough the data was for a test that had been side-lined weeks before.

“Get on to the moderating team and find out what’s happened. This can’t be right.” Star looked at the data in front of her, a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach telling her that this probably wasn’t wrong and someone had authorised the wrong campaign. How was she going to explain this to the client, to the company? The time and effort of running an incorrect campaign – someone’s head was going to roll, and at the end of the day, the buck stopped with her.

Sandra eventually came back, looking even more flushed than before. “It looks like the campaigns were switched. Paul can see the original request we sent in, but someone called and cancelled that. It looks like a second request was then entered in its place.”

“Do they have a name? Who requested the switch?” Star asked, starting to feel hot under the collar.

Sandra looked embarrassed. “Apparently it’s your name against the switch.”