Page 13 of Always You

“Not the first time Marcus has dropped you off at home?”

“Oh, no, there was an issue with the trains last year, and your dad offered me a lift to my car.” An awkward silence floated between them. “How is your dad doing?” Star eventually broke the deadlock and looked at Damian.

“The operation was successful, but he won’t be allowed home for at least six to eight days. He’s currently hooked up to a lot of machines. I spent most of the day with him. I was heading into the office when I bumped into you earlier.” Damian sighed. “He’s very protective of you.” A hint of bitterness edged into Damian’s tone.

Star chose to ignore Damian’s final statement, just saying, “I’m glad the operation went well. He’s in the best place. How’s your mum holding up?”

“She’s trying to be brave, but I can see she’s terrified. Dad is her life. This has really shaken them both. I think she’s aged overnight. She doesn’t want to leave his side.”

“Oh Damian, I’m sorry.” Star turned to face Damian, placing a hand on his arm before she could stop herself. His eyes flew to where she touched him. Pulling her hand away, Star looked out of the window, rubbing her fingers together. “Please tell him we’re all thinking of him.” Her palm was tingling from the contact. What had she been thinking?

“The Board aren’t happy,” Damian said. Star turned her attention back to him. “They want him out. Too old, stress, poor health, blah, blah, blah.” The bitterness in his tone shocked Star. “They’re worried about the share price once the news gets out about his heart attack.”

“But your dad is the majority shareholder. They can’t just get rid of him, can they?”

“There has been an ongoing power struggle for a while – it’s why I’m here. Dad made me promise to keep the vultures at bay while he recovers.”

Damian’s sudden reappearance made sense. And so did the shadow of exhaustion hanging over him. It was more than jet lag; it was a war he was waging.

“Let me know if there is anything I can do.”

Damian looked sick as it dawned on him what he’d just offloaded.

Understanding his fear, Star inclined her head towards him. “It’s okay, Damian, I won’t say a word.”

He visibly relaxed, although there was still tension present in his shoulders.

“Here we go, Miss Roberts,” Marcus said as he pulled into the station carpark. Opening her bag, Star dug around for her car keys. Groaning loudly, she realized she’d thrown them in her desk drawer that morning after the Jackson incident.

Her hand came out empty.

“No keys?” Damian asked.

“Nope, they’re in my desk drawer, although I have a spare set at home.” Star sighed.

“Marcus, can you drop Miss Robert at her home, please.”

Star reeled off the address and she felt Damian stiffen beside her. Of course he’d recognise the address; she’d lived there most of the time they’d been together. He’d practically lived there with her, except when he went on business trips. Marcus pulled out of the carpark and drove the ten minutes to the house.

Star directed him onto the driveway just as the front door was flung open.


“Mummy!” Skylar charged out of the house towards the car, her excitement clear. Getting out of the car, Star bent down and opened her arms, grinning as Skylar barrelled into her. Star ignored the man behind her and the questions he probably had; she wasn’t ready for the inquisition. The little person in front of her was her highest priority and always would be. Damian Hunt could take a long walk through the woods for all she cared.

“I’m so sorry I’m late,” Star said.

“My house burned so well,” Skylar started, before her eyes looked past Star, her attention locked on the man who Star knew had stepped up behind her. Skylar straightened up and tilted her head, holding her hand out, in a very un-six-year-old gesture.I have Lucas to thank for this, Star thought.

“I’m Skylar, pleased to meet you. Are you a friend of my mummy’s? Mummy, why are you in Uncle Lucas’s car?” Leaning round Damian, Skylar waved at Marcus who was still in the driver’s seat. Star didn’t need to turn round to know that Marcus would be waving back.

Star wished she had a camera to hand. The look on Damian’s face was priceless, but her heart stuttered the moment he took Skylar’s tiny hand in his much larger one. A small smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. “I’m pleased to meet you too, Skylar. I’m Damian, and Uncle Lucas is my father. That’s why I’ve got his car.”

“Do you work with Mummy? Mummy works very hard. She studies all the time when she’s not playing with me,” Skylar said, looking up at Star.

“Your mummy is a very clever lady and she does work very hard. She’s working on a very important project at the moment.”

Star felt the heat rise in her cheeks, What was Damian doing?