Cora is attractive, tempting, enchanting…fast becoming an obsession, and…
I want more than just her body.
I want everything.
And it’s scary.
Because even though I’ve never felt it before, I recognize it as a wanting that sex won’t quench, a wanting that won’t go away with distance.
If we take our mutual attraction any further, I will end up wanting her more obsessively, and the few days I have left in Florence won’t be enough for me, and probably not for her.
I wanted the time to go faster so I could get back to work, and now it’s going faster because time flies when I’m with Cora.
I want to stretch out the week until it lasts for infinity.
Infinity with Cora.
The thought makes me smile. Cora. I can still taste her lips on mine, warm, soft, intoxicating…
She tasted like honey and wine…sunlight and sweetness.
Inside Nick’s bungalow, it’s dark, but moonlight filters in through floor to ceiling patio doors. Standing in front of the glass, I unbutton my shirt, my eyes on the wide patio and the small, well-kept lawn and garden. I imagine Cora beside me. She would love the house, and I would love her in it.
For the rest of my stay.
Or longer.
My phone rings, and Maddie’s name on the screen brings a wry smile to my lips.
“Hi, Mads.”
“If you’re hunched over a computer, you’re in trouble.”
“What is a computer?”
She chuckles. “Good answer. You’re learning.” There’s a pause. “So, how’s it going? I’m about done here. I moved my flight up a couple of days. I’m so inspired to get to work with these new fabrics and patterns.”
“Ohhh…” I draw out the word. “Who’s the workaholic now?”
She laughs. “Nick said you met someone.”
Of course, my big-mouthed ex-roommate was going to make me regret asking him to arrange the visit to the vineyard. “He did?”
“Don’t be coy.” Maddie teases. “Tell me about her.”
“There’s nothing to tell.” An image of Cora’s face plays in my head, and I inhale deeply. “I just met her. She’s an art student here for the summer.”
“An art student. Studying in Italy for the summer. She sounds like a romantic. Don’t turn on all your charm. You’ll dazzle her.”
“Too late,” I say, with more assurance than I feel. “And thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“As long as you don’t break her heart. I wish I could come down and meet her, but no time.”
“You’ll probably scare her off, anyway.” I’m only mildly amused at the thought of Maddie swooping in. “I don’t think she’s at the meet-his-sister stage yet.”