Page 19 of Mine To Take

“You’re shallow.”

She laughs. “I just want you to have fun.”

“I want to have fun, but he’s only here for a week.”

“That’s more than enough time for multiple instances offun,if you ask me. Many, many repetitions offun.”

I think of Tristan, his smile, his hands, his incredible wavy black hair, and hot anticipation unfurls in my belly.

“It’s not like you’re planning to fall in love with him,” Marie continues.

“No, I’m not.”

Of course, I’m not.

I only just met him.

And yet, thinking about his face, his smile, the teasing in his voice, I wonder how easy it would be to fall in love with him.

Much too easy.

* * *

I’mup early the next morning, still thinking about Tristan. After a quick shower, I head to the little kitchenette of my tiny apartment for coffee. Julio, my roommate Lisa’s current boyfriend, stumbles out of her room while I’m brewing coffee and I offer him a mug, too excited about Tristan to resent him and Lisa for keeping me up half the night with noisy, interminable sex.

“Lisa’s still asleep?”

Julio nods, giving me a contemplative look from under long, dark lashes. “Why don’t you come out with us tonight? Get away from those books, have fun, get drunk, and when we come back...who knows...maybe we’ll all have fun.”

Ewww. “No, thanks.” I edge out of the kitchen and return to my room. I love Lisa, but she has atrocious taste in men. Pushing Julio’s offer out of my head, I spend the rest of the morning working on a paper, only stopping when Lisa opens my door and pops her head in. At almost six feet, with the slender body of a model and wild, red-gold hair, she’s gorgeous.

She studies me from the door. “You look like you’ve been up for a while.”

“Yup. Working on a paper.”

She enters the room. “Julio just left. He got pissy when I refused to convince you to have a threesome, so I broke up with him.” She sighs. “He was always an asshole, wasn’t he?”

I chuckle. “He was. Cute, but an asshole.”

“At least he helped with practicing my Italian, but…on to the next one.” She makes a face, then her eyes go to the jacket draped around my chair. “Nice jacket! I didn’t know you were exploring your masculine side.”

I stick out my tongue. “I don’t have a masculine side. It’s not my jacket.”

Her eyes widen. “You met a guy.”

“Is that so surprising?”

She shrugs. “I’m not the one who’s been acting all celibate in the country with the hottest guys in the world.”

“That’s arguable,” I reply, my mind on Tristan—the fluttering in my belly when his lips quirked, the slight breathlessness when his eyes focused on mine.

Just thinking about him makes my belly feel light.

Lisa climbs onto my bed and yawns, then folds her long limbs into an easy lotus. “I could sleep all day.”

I purse my lips. “Well, you were awake all night…so…”

She makes an apologetic face. “Sorry about that.”