Page 93 of Master of Fortune

“I can make her happy.”

“Maybe. But you don’t deserve her. No one from our world does. With you, she will stay a target. That’s not the life I want for her.”

“That’s not your choice to make.”

“But it’s yours.” Tyler leaned forward. “Stop being a selfish prick for one second and think about her. What did she say she wanted from the moment she met you? Can you honestly give her that one thing?”


“You want me to hurt her.”

“It’s better for her to heal from a broken heart than live a life she doesn’t want. Sooner or later, she’ll find someone who can give her a normal life.”

“Would anyone know normal when they grew up the way we have?”

“I’d rather her try to find out than risk another fucker using her life to get to you.”

I remained quiet, knowing he was right. I couldn’t bear the idea of anything happening to her. Though the day she found someone else would actually kill the heart I never thought existed.

After a few moments, I nodded.

“As always, it’s a pleasure doing business with you.”

“This isn’t business. She’s not business.”

“Finally, you understand how we feel.” He studied me. “There is this saying my mother uses to describe her relationship with my father.”

I waited for him to continue.

“If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, they’re yours.”

Nyx had mentioned her parents had separated in their youth and then gotten back together, but never the details.

“Let her go, and if you end up together, I won’t stand in the way. But give her a chance at the life she’s always wanted.”

“Is that what your father did?”

Tyler shook his head. “It was my mother. It took her nearly marrying another man for my father to get his head on straight. Those are his words, not hers.”

The Mykoses were definitely unlike any other family.

“I’ll take care of it.” I stood, feeling as if my world was crashing around me, and walked out of the hotel suite.

Twenty minutes later,I entered the lounge adjacent to my home office. Nyx sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning against a coffee table while shuffling a deck of cards and reading something on the computer in front of her.

She lifted her gaze from the screen and smiled. “Hey, ready for me to kick your ass at some poker before we start our weekend voyage?”

Had anyone’s eyes ever lit up with happiness when I walked into a room? Worry and fear, but only ever joy with her.

Now, I was about to fuck it all to hell.

The one time in my life I would do the right thing, I was going to destroy the only thing that meant anything to me.

“What’s wrong?” She set the cards on the table and came toward me.

“We need to talk.”

She studied me, a crease of worry settling between her brows. “That sounds ominous.”