Page 70 of Master of Fortune

In the far distance, I could see Nyx coming out from the employee side of the botanical gardens.

How the fuck had he gotten one of those chips?

From the second Nyx had mentioned the other Drakos on the day I’d flown back from Greece, I’d known it was Hal. No one else wanted to fuck with me or go after anyone who I viewed as mine.

Albert hated me on the principle of standing in the way of the family legacy. I had no doubt if I’d been the son of a younger brother, he wouldn’t have given me a second thought. However, Hal was a completely different story. The fucker hated me even before my parents’ deaths. We were only a few months apart in age, and I couldn’t remember a time when something wasn’t a competition.

Maybe it was Gio’s fault for expecting perfection out of his grandsons.

No, that wasn’t the only reason. Hal took things to an extreme level. From the way we dressed and going after the same girls in high school, to pursuing the same degree in college. He had to do everything bigger, badder, better.

Now, he was at it again.

Stevie turned to the next reel.

This one had Hal at a distance but Nyx front and center. Her recognizing him, then turning, pausing to call someone, and then Tony arriving.

Why the fuck hadn’t she told me about this? We talked every damn day. She was in so much trouble.

I lifted my head. “I’ve seen enough.”

“We haven’t even gotten close. This is from one of the people I had tailing him. I thought it better not to get the Lykaioses involved and have to explain why I needed footage of anyone other than Nyx.”

She flipped again.

This video showed Hal’s anger when Nyx hadn’t shown up, and then the footage pieced together following him through the hotel up until he reached the residential tower, where security turned him away.

“You need to handle this.” Tony moved in next to Stevie. “I’ve watched over her since she was born, and I won’t have her become a pawn in this war you’re planning with your family.”

I remained quiet for a few seconds, staring at the screen. All of a sudden, I noticed the date and time.

This wasn’t recent, but a fucking month ago. I clenched my jaw.

She’d told me she never met with the other Drakos. She may have not lied, but she’d known who he was and the significance of what he held, and she’d kept it from me. Why would she hide this from me?

We’d come so far in this thing between us, and she still refused to give me a goddamned inch.

Hal wouldn’t hesitate to use any means necessary to ruin her reputation or destroy her, if it meant paving the way for him in the family.

I was the one damn person who could protect her from him. Hell, his body language showed he was scared shitless of getting caught.

Why couldn’t she trust me?

If only she’d trusted me, I would have had that damn chip in my hand now.

Pushing down the riot of emotions bubbling inside me, I asked, “Want to explain to me why no one saw fit to tell me about this?”

“You know now,” Stevie responded.

“Bullshit. What happened?”

“This arrived.” Tony handed me a small package.

Inside was the poker chip from one of Nyx’s game nights and a photograph of a younger Nyx with David, and on the table behind them were the same chips. It looked as if Nyx wasn’t even aware the picture was taken. And from what I knew of her games, all electronics were confiscated at entry.

She’d trusted this shithead. He was her friend, and he’d fucked her over.

“There’s a note, as well.”