Page 61 of Master of Fortune

“I’m going to let them believe I’m having an affair. But it just so happens, the affair is with my fiancée.”



“Excuse me,Ms. Mykos. There is a Mr. Drakos asking for you.”

I glanced up from my supply order paperwork to focus on one of the Ida botanical garden attendants, who stood in the doorway of my office.

“Thanks, Janice. Let him know I’ll be out in a few moments.”

She nodded and then left.

I frowned and checked my phone, knowing I couldn’t have missed a message or call from Simon. Then again, over the last five weeks, our communication had shifted from long phone calls to none all day, and the sexy text banter I’d gotten so used to had turned into one-or-two-line messages with no discussion of visits or anything other than future formal events.

The trips he’d mentioned to come see me every two weeks had never occurred. The only explanation he’d given me involved some crap about negotiations that required nonstop attention or they would fall through.

What kind of negotiations took five weeks?

Hell, we hadn’t even seen each other when I’d visited my family for my monthly New York trip.

Something had changed, and I couldn’t understand what had shifted. He’d placed this boundary between us, making it very clear that he’d decided it was better to end the physical aspect of our relationship.

Asshole couldn’t even tell me straight to my face that he was ending it.


Maybe it was a good thing.

The pull I felt for him had started to muddle my head, and I couldn’t let myself become attached. I had a goal, and he would complicate things, forcing me to blur the lines.

Pulling out my phone, I sent Simon a text.

ME:Hey, asshole. Since when did you learn manners and request permission to speak to me? Don’t you just walk into the employee side of the gardens and demand my attention?

Almost immediately the three dots started moving.

SIMON:I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. I’ve been in negotiations for the last five hours.

ME:Then which Mr. Drakos is here to see me?

SIMON:I have no fucking idea, but I’m about to find out. Don’t you dare go see anyone.

ME:Haven’t we already established that I don’t follow directions well? Especially ones given by jerks who get sticks up their ass, cut off communication, and decide I’m not worth their time.

SIMON:If you step one foot away from the security of that garden, I swear I will make your ass so red, you’ll regret it.

The threat of him touching my ass had my body heating.

Get it together, Nyx. It’s over.

ME:That would require you to be in the same place I am. Which you aren’t.

SIMON:Don’t test me, Goddess.

ME:I’m not your goddess, I’m not your anything. And for the record, if I can handle one asshole Drakos, I’m capable of handling any other.

SIMON:Is that what you think you’re doing? Handling me?