Page 53 of Master of Fortune

We’d remained formal and remote after the conversation about my inheritance, and in a sense, it had been for the best. Wanting to stab him kept the lust at bay.

I glanced down at my engagement ring and shook my head. With its beauty and uniqueness, the piece had taken my breath away when he’d slid it on my finger.

It was exactly something I’d have chosen, unconventional and unlike anything one would see on every woman’s hand. He’d given me a ring with a deep blue pear-shaped diamond surrounded by white diamonds.

The asshole pissed me off and then gave me something I would have wanted to wear if this was the real fucking thing.

I wanted to ask if he’d bought it or given the task to Kasen but kept those thoughts to myself, especially since I already knew the truth.

I wasn’t supposed to like him. This wasn’t supposed to be something fun, something I enjoyed, something I looked forward to when he was gone.

I released a deep breath as a lump formed in the pit of my stomach.

What the fuck had I gotten into?

I had to put some distance between us. I couldn’t lose perspective. I couldn’t let him fuck with my head. I knew better. My future involved a life away from all of this.

“Admiring your new jewelry?” a voice asked from the doorway to the solarium.

I lifted my head to find Camilla Santos with a group of women I assumed were her current entourage behind her. Her disdain for me showed in the few words she’d spoken, reminding me of her behavior all through high school.

This was one of the reasons I’d left. People seriously needed to grow the fuck up.

Maybe a small part of me could have mustered some sympathy for the fact she thought she’d lost her future husband.

Technically, I wasn’t supposed to know Camilla was Simon’s choice of bride. This tidbit of information wasn’t public knowledge. However, to keep me from ever ending up in a situation where I was blindsided by unexpected information, my brothers had filled me in on all things Simon Drakos when our engagement occurred. This included his love life and future prospects.

I glanced at my ring again. “As a matter of fact, I was.”

“I wouldn’t get too comfortable. Let me fill you in on how things work with the Drakos men.”

Okay, maybe I wasn’t going to have any sympathy for her, after all.



A little beforeone in the morning, I made my way down the hall to Nyx’s bedroom. The sound of running water told me she’d just gotten in, and if I was lucky, I could jump into the shower with her.

I expected getting past the security on the Mykos property to pose a challenge, but what I’d encountered was beyond anything one would find on a family compound.

Fucking place was locked down better than Fort Knox.

Thankfully, my guys were there to help me out and gave me the heads-up on when to move. Then, the B&E skills I’d learned from a few choice friends aided me in entering Nyx’s house.

As I slipped inside her bedroom, I heard the shower turn off and her move around the bathroom. A few seconds later, she stepped into the bedroom wrapped in a towel and then came to an abrupt stop, a scowl on her beautiful face.

“Why are you in my cottage?”

This hostility was the last thing I expected when I’d come through the doors a few moments ago.

Surprise, yes. Anger, no.

What the hell could have happened from the time I’d left to handle some business with my family and now?

Maybe she was still pissed about our exchange from earlier in the evening.

Ignoring her, I moved to lean against one of the tall posts of her giant bed.