Page 4 of Master of Fortune

Nico spoke for the first time. “Obviously, she will find out. This does concern her life, after all.”

“What you’re leaving out is that she has no idea we are meeting now. Why?”

“There was no point in saying anything until we had your agreement.”

I studied the men. They were most definitely keeping something from me. Whatever it was, I planned to find out.

“I see. Is that the last stipulation for our agreement?” I asked, ready to get the hell out of the hotel and on the road to catch the flight waiting for me in the hangar at JFK.

“It is. One year from the date of the official engagement we will meet again and finalize everything.” Tyler stood, offering me his hand.

Rising from my seat, I shook his hand. “Now, gentlemen, I have another meeting to attend. I will see you in three months’ time, at my engagement party.”

Without another word, I moved to the door.

I waited to speak until Kasen and I were in my car and my men were following behind me. I couldn’t trust any of the Mykoses not to have men stationed around the hotel property.

“I want anything and everything on Nyx Mykos. They are too fucking protective of her happiness for my taste.”

“We’re already watching her. She’s clean as an angel. For the last month, we’ve watched her day and night. All she does is play with her plants, hang out with her cousins, and have her bodyguards shadow her. She’s boring as hell. I’m beginning to think she was a target of those socialite bitches and that’s why she moved to Vegas.”

It was possible. Anyone who refused to conform to the standards of our world suffered the ramifications of the majority, especially the women. Being different wasn’t a good thing. And Nyx Mykos marched to the beat of her own drum.

But then again, my gut said that line of thought was all bullshit. And my gut had never let me down.

Well, I’d find out soon enough.

It was time for one last meeting, one to set the rules for the next year.

With my fiancée.

I couldn’t help but smile.

Her invitation had arrived in a similar fashion as her brother’s, but more upfront, to the point, and with the complete confidence that I’d fly across the country on such short notice.

I have an offer you can’t refuse to end our engagement.

To learn the details, meet me at 7 p.m. tonight @ Epieikeia.

Ida Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas.

Her sheer balls made her proposal irresistible. It had been a long fucking time since anyone had piqued my curiosity.

And in the way my men and Kasen seemed so enamored of her, it made it more than imperative to find out if she was the nature nymph or the New York hellion.

“When you meet her, are you going to let her know about the deal with her family or are you going to string her along to see what she offers?”

“What do you think?”

Kasen shook his head. “I think this is going to blow up in your face. Don’t fuck with her, she’s an innocent. Plus, you need her family as much as they need you.”

“No Mykos is innocent.”

“This one is.”

“Stop worrying. By the time her family tells her about our agreement, we will have established our ground rules.”

“Let me guess. No scandals, no trouble, no fucking around.”