Page 29 of Taking His Diva

She’s right. I’ll give her any damn thing she wants. But this is no hardship. Lacy sitting on my face as I devour her is the stuff dreams are made of.

I snake my hands up to cup her tits, rolling the peaked tips between my fingers as I suck and lick her clit. She grips my hair at the root, holding my face tight against the very source of her desire. Soon, I’m barely moving at all. Lacy’s riding me like I’m her very own pleasure device.

Her orgasm arrives like a tidal wave, sudden and strong. Lacy makes no effort to quiet her screams, and I really don’t give a shit if the entire crew on this plane knows what we’re doing. I need those sounds like I need air and water. Our love is elemental, fundamental.

As she comes down from the high of her release, she slithers her body back down to line up with mine. “I’m not sure I can move after that.”

I flip our positions, pinning her underneath me. All too aware that she might still be gun shy after what that fucker Rose did to her, I make sure not to give her my whole weight. “This okay?”

The sweet smile that stretches across her face reassures me instantly. “Scott, nothing you could do would ever cause me fear. I trust you. I love you. I mean, I put up with your questionable fashion choices and an endless parade of band T-shirts. If that doesn’t prove my love, I don’t know what does.”

I attack her ticklish spot, and Lacy giggles then snorts out a laugh. I swallow those happy sounds with a deep kiss.

I love all versions of this woman, the petulant brat, the savvy marketing guru, the vulnerable woman. But the silly, laughing lady beneath me now is, by far, my favorite.

When I finally let her mouth go long enough for Lacy to speak again, she smiles up at me, arching her back and pressing her hips against mine. “Being pinned to the bed by you will always be my favorite place to be.” She rolls her eyes up, thinking about her last statement. “I take that back. Draped over your lap while you spank my ass will always be my favorite place. But pinned down in bed is a close second.”

“Jesus, I can’t wait to call you my wife.”

“Let’s practice the whole consummating our union thing. Gotta make sure we have that bit down.” Lacy reaches between us, lining my cock up with her wet entrance.

As I slowly slid into her heat, the plane hits a pocket of turbulence, and gravity does the work for me. My cock thrusts into her in one rough bounce, and we both moan. “Jesus, woman, feels like coming home. Every. Fucking. Time.”

“Oh my god, enough with the sweet words. Just fuck me already.”

I can’t help but laugh. That’s my woman. Wants what she wants and won’t stop until she gets it. “You wanna be fucked? Not made love to?”

“No. Fuck me. Like you almost lost me today.”

The words spear right to my heart, and for a moment, I’m stuck back in the fear of never seeing the woman I love again.But then the fear is gone because Lacy is right here. Beneath me. Surrounding me. And she’s not going anywhere.

Not while I have anything to say about it.

I pull out from her cunt and flip her over onto her stomach before she can protest. “I did almost lose you today.” I slam back inside her delicate body. She moans and writhes and screams beneath me. Her fingers clutching at the sheets. Banding my arms around her stomach, I pull us both up, so she is sitting on my lap, her ass cradled in my hips, her back pressed against my chest.

Lacy reaches back, hands clutching at my hair, and brings my mouth to her neck. I give her what she is silently begging for, my tongue and teeth at the sensitive spot below her ear. Snaking one hand up, I press down just beside her left breast. Right over her pounding heart.

“Feel that? How fast and hard your heart beats for me? How mine matches?” I let the silence settle around us for a moment. Lacy nods, those needy noises I love so much quieting until we are just breathing together. In sync. “We do things hard, you and me. We rock hard. We love hard. We work hard. We fuck hard. That’s the way it will always be.”

“Christ, how do you make fucking sound romantic?”

I just laugh and push us forward until she’s pinned under my body again. I weave our fingers together and pull her hands up over her head. She’s stretched out as far as the bed will allow. “Now you stay still, or you know what will happen.”

Lacy squirms, and I just chuckle and shake my head. Placing my knees on either side of her thighs, I leave her hands where they are and draw mine back to her round ass. Much to her dismay, Lacy’s gained a couple pounds since coming to live with me. I fucking love every single one of them. They all go straight to the round cheeks I’m currently gripping in my hands.

I swat at her ass, first one side, then the other. Nothing too hard, just warming her up. Judging by the way she’s breathing and the uncontrolled little thrust of her hips, I’d say I’m doing my job right. Spreading her apart, I peer down past the puckered hole we’ve experimented with some here and there and then to her wet, glistening pussy.

Not wasting any more time, it’s only a five-hour flight, after all, I slam back into her channel, groaning as her walls press around my cock. With her legs pressed tight together, the fit is extra snug, and I have to take several breaths to get myself under control.

Lacy whines and tries to thrust back into me, but the position doesn’t allow her much movement. “Don’t worry, my little brat. We’re only just getting started.”

Epilogue One

One Year Later


The stage vibrates under my feet as the first Malfeesance show in a little over a year comes to a close. My whole body feels like it’s pulsing with the heavy beats and screaming crowd. Everything throbs.