“Just a florist? Just a florist?”

I reach for her hand and breathe a sigh of relief when she doesn’t pull away.

My voice is emphatic as I try to explain how I see her and the work she does. “Hell, Cassie, you bring beauty to the world and help couples, and their friends and family celebrate their love in style. And love is the most important thing there is, something I’ve found with you despite the odds and despite the fact we’ve only had one blind date and it’s cliché because it’s Valentine’s Day. But it’s true, you’ve brightened my world and made me see what I was missing all these years. I want to go on a hundred more dates with you… a thousand. What do you say?”

Tears glisten in her eyes, and her bottom lip trembles, but she nods and squeezes my hand. “I’d say even if I wasn’t trying, I found what I was looking for.”

The phone in her lap tumbles to the floor, clattering loudly on the set, but when I glance up, Ashley, the two co-founders ofThe Oneand the three other couples, is already staring at us.

“Looks like at least one of our couples found The One,” Ashley says, breaking the awkward silence and shooting a wide smile at the two glowing co-founders.

I spin back to Cassie, who vaults into my arms, right where she belongs.


One YearLater


TheRise and Shineset is gorgeous, thanks to a special, secret order with White Glove Florist. But I made sure Cassie didn’t lift a finger making today perfect because, even though we’re here under pretense of helping with the segment, there’s a diamond ring burning a hole in my pocket.

“And we’re back, folks. So glad all of you at home could join us for our special Valentine’s Day segments this morning. We’ll have Chef Annie in just a few minutes whipping up an easy dessert for two, and later, the multi-platinum singer you’ve all been waiting for, Madison Lowe, but first, we can’t wait to say hello to this happy couple. You might remember Chris and Cassie from last year. Not only did they winThe One’s blind date challenge, but who doesn’t recall the impassioned speech Chris gave that won the hearts of women across the country?”

Ashley spins toward us with a big smile. “Tell us, you two, how was that all-expenses paid trip to Aruba, courtesy ofThe One?”

Cassie squeezes my hand at each mention of the dating app, and I struggle to keep a straight face. “It was great, thank you.”

“Cassie, any highlights from the vacation you care to share?”

Her eyes are dancing when she shoots me a look. “I don’t think there’s enough time this morning to tell you all about Chris’s mishap while we were snorkeling, but let’s just say it involved a stingray, a bathing suit, and an underwater camera.”

“That sounds like quite the story. You’ll have to tell me later, when we’re off air. But first, I have to ask about something else the two of you have cooked up this past year. Cassie, can you tell us a little bit about your new endeavor?”

I watch as Cassie’s face lights up, pride at her hard work filling my chest as she answers Ashley’s question.

“Yes, happy to. A few months ago, thanks to the spark of an idea from my mom, Chris and I founded a nonprofit called Spreading the Love. We partner with florists and event centers throughout New York City to save fresh flowers used for special events like weddings or fundraisers, or even an event like this one here today,” she gestures over to the hundreds of roses adorning the set, “and give them a second life by delivering them to hospitals and nursing homes for folks who could use a fresh bouquet to continue to enjoy for a few more days.”

“That sounds fabulous. Good for the two of you and thanks for sharing. We’re thrilled to have you both back this morning, a year later, to dole out relationship advice to our blind date couples here today. Are you ready to get started?”


“Perfect. We’ll just have the two of you take your spots over under the gorgeous gazebo there in the corner.”

And that’s my cue.

I help Cassie up into the circle adorned with white twinkle lights and hundreds of red roses. She takes a seat on one of thedirector’s chairs, but rather than follow suit, I drop to one knee and reach into my pocket.

Her eyes fall to me and then to the ring. Her lips form a perfect O and her hand flies to her mouth.

“Cassie,” I begin, never feeling more certain of anything in my life. “I love you with all my heart. I know neither of us would have guessed when we were here a year and a day ago that a Valentine’s blind date on national TV would turn into forever, but, for me, it has. This past year has been the best of my life and I’d be honored to be your husband. Will you marry me?”

Tears glisten in her eyes, but she brushes them away with the back of her hand as she comes off the chair and nods, her voice thick. “Yes, Chris, yes. I will marry you.”

I slip the diamond on her trembling finger and tug her into my arms. Cheers and applause greet us from backstage and I turn to point out Cassie’s mom, along with her best friend Bella, Bella’s husband, Matt, my brother Derek and his wife, all there to witness the engagement.

But rather than rushing into their arms, Cassie pulls up short. “I have something for you too, to celebrate our year together.”

“What’s that?”

She tugs up the long-sleeve of her pink dress to reveal a heart tattoo on the inside of her wrist that looks like a conversation heart and reads BEST DAY EVER. “It’s where you kissed me that night at The Plaza, after you took care of me.”

I lift her hand and press a kiss to the spot. “You’ve made this my new best day ever, and I promise to take care of you from now to forever.”