“How’d you know?”

He chuckles, the low sound emerging from deep in his chest and settling in mine.

“Lucky guess.”

“What about you? Which would be your top pick?”

He glances back at the screen and seems to consider each activity, from axe throwing to a pottery making class, from a museum scavenger hunt to bowling, carefully. But, when, aftera long minute, he doesn’t respond, I glance over to find his eyes aren’t on the wheel after all, they’re on me.

“I have a feeling there’s not one activity I wouldn’t enjoy.”

I can think of a few activities not listed here I’d enjoy with this man. Especially because there’s an undeniable spark between us, a match that’s been lit and is searching for fuel.

Too bad the cameras will be on us the entire time. And I have to get to work by noon.

Even so, I may as well enjoy every second of this escape from reality because heaven knows things like this don’t happen every day. At least not to me.

“What about you?” he asks. But before I can answer, the producer starts counting down and Ashley makes her way back over to us.

“Welcome back toRise and Shine. In case you’re just joining us, Cassie and Chris, our couple today for the special Valentine’s Day segment we’ve been enjoying all week, thanks to our friends atThe One, where you can find what you’re looking for, are ready to spin the wheel to see where they’re off to on their blind date this morning.”

She turns toward us. “Cassie, care to give it a whirl? Just touch the screen anywhere to spin.”

“Sure.” I step forward and tap once, eager to see what’s in store next on this morning’s unexpected adventure with my handsome blind date.



The disappointment that rocketed through me an hour ago when the wheel, in the last second, rotated past one more digital notch to send us ballroom dancing rather than to a mixology class, is gone.

It evaporated the second the music started, when Cassie, in a pair of high heels, stepped into my arms. Her body melted against me, and my temperature rose at least a degree, if not two.

MaybeThe Oneknows what they’re doing after all.

“Once more, from the top.”

Our instructor —a drill sergeant masquerading as a world-renowned ballroom dancer— claps her hands together.

And Cassie smirks. Again.

“I’m trying,” I whisper, determined, this time, to concentrate on the steps and not on the way Cassie smells like roses.

“Forget the camera is even there,” she says, shooting a glance at the cameraman who has set up shop in the corner of the light and airy wood floor covered fourth floor studio just a few blocks from whereRise and Shinetapes.

I guess I could see why she thinks I’m distracted by the camera, but the truth is, the camera’s the last thing on my mind.

It’s Cassie’s long, dark hair that keeps brushing against my hand on her back, or the way she unconsciously squeezes my fingers and nibbles on her lip when she’s concentrating… that’s stealing my attention.

“Believe me, I have.”

Her eyebrow arches and her lips part, but before she can say anything, our instructor calls out, “Remember, it’s a box step. One, two, three, one, two, three. All right, from the top.”

We reset and I square my shoulders.

“At least you’d have a good excuse if you were the one not picking up the steps,” I whisper against her hair.

“What? The champagne?”