“How’s that exactly?”

He shrugs. “You wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for me. My wedding was the kick in the ass you needed to finally sign up forThe One. Hell, even turning thirty didn’t convince you the waiting game you were playing to find a woman wasn’t working.”

I grit my teeth, not wanting to admit there’s more than a kernel of truth in his words.

“When you say playing the waiting game, you must mean finishing med school at the top of my class, working my ass offduring residency and accepting a full-time position at one of the top-rated hospitals in the city.”

He rolls his eyes. “Please tell me you aren’t going to kick things off with her with the whole ‘I’m a physician thing.’ First, it makes you sound like a pretentious ass.”

“And second?”

He takes a sip of coffee from a mug that reads Best. Husband. Ever. I nearly gag.

“It’s not going to win you any points with the kind of woman you want.”

I scoff. “You have no clue what kind of woman I want.”

“Right now, I’d say you’d take one that’s breathing.”

“Go to hell.”

I would punch him if he was here, and if I wasn’t about to be live on national TV. Why did I agree to this again? Oh, yeah, envy. I’ve been so busy focusing on my career for the past decade I let my dating life take the backseat, but when I stood up as Derek’s best man last November without a date for the wedding it was a reality check I wasn’t expecting.

He chuckles. “Knew that’d get you. But really, I can’t believe you, of all people, took two days off for this. You really are serious, hmm?”

“I didn’t take time off. I’m going in this afternoon to catch up on charting and admin.”

“Way to leave your schedule open in case you want to, you know, get to know each other better.”

I ignore the innuendo in his voice.

“Anyway… I’m glad you’re finally putting yourself out there. I have a good feeling about this, you know, with it being Valentine’s week and all.”

I scoff. “Says the newlywed, still in the smitten ‘We’re perfect together’ phase. Valentine’s Day is designed for couples like you.”

He cocks an eyebrow. “Aww, who knew you were the jealous kind?”

My fingers curl into a fist, but just as I open my mouth to reply, a soft knock on the door sounds before it swings open.

“Mr. Walsh, it’s time.”

“Mr.?” Derek says, but I shrug off the question in his tone. I don’t want to go into all the reasons I chose not to list my credentials on my dating profile.

“If you’ll follow me, please.” The assistant turns to lead the way down a hall.

“I’ve got to go.”

“Good luck, big brother,” he says. “I can’t wait to see if she’s the one.”

“You and a million people across the country.”

“Oh and,” he adds, with a gleam in his eye as I’m about to press End. “Don’t forget— bachelor party in Vegas on me when you finally find a woman willing to put up with your sorry ass.”

I tugat the collar of my pink oxford as the set is cleared and the final seconds count down. I wish now I wasn’t wearing a blazer. It might be freezing outside, but the dozens of bright lights overhead make it seem like the desert at high noon in here.

Ashley, theRise and Shineanchor at my side, takes a deep breath and plasters on a smile right before the director points at us and a large, red ON AIR sign is illuminated.

“Welcome back everyone to our special —and very popular— Valentine’s Day segment. We’re celebrating all things love each day this week with a different couple thanks to our friends atThe One, where you, too, can find what you’re looking for.”