I’d have to sneak into theRise and Shinestudio shrouded in a dark hoodie, directly to that magic oasis I spent forty-five minutes in this morning. Otherwise known as hair and makeup. Oh, and wardrobe, of course. My new best friends.

They’re the reason Chris couldn’t keep his eyes off me, especially when we were dancing. I don’t think I’ve looked that good— ever. Sure, I cleaned up nice for Bella and Matt’s wedding at Christmas, but today, the pixie dust they used was next level.

And now I’m back to jeans and my work t-shirt.

And the dream of dating Chris is banished to the back of my mind. Because there’s no way I can fit him— or any man in— when my life is a never-ending cycle of work, taking care of my mom, and sleep. I don’t have time to date, not right now. Even though my time with him today was more fun than I’ve had in a long time.

Chris seemed genuinely disappointed I couldn’t go for lunch, which points to the fact that maybe he was inviting me because he wanted to, and not just because of the cameras.

We hit it off, and he seems like a nice guy— at least the smidge I know about him— and, of course, there’s the fact he’s handsome, but I’m not in the market. Although, now millions of people across America, including Chris, think I am.

He thinks I have an online dating profile even though the only thing I use the internet for is to keep up with my friends,who have much more exciting lives than me, and watch random videos, especially funny cat ones.

I pull my phone out from my back pocket and check my messages. One from Veronica reminds me to send pictures of the space when I’m done. One from Bella, my newlywed best friend and former coworker, who’s sent a picture of the heart-shaped brownies she baked for her husband of less than two months.

Then, there’s the message I was really looking for from my mom. She’s fine, and I checked in with her earlier this afternoon to fill her in on the date, but dial her again anyway.

“Hi Mom, how are you feeling?”

“Honey, I’m fine. Done with work?”

“Not yet. It’s going to be at least another hour. Did you take your medicine?”


“Good. Don’t wait up for me, okay?”

“And you’ll be gone in the morning too, right?”

“Yup. To the studio first, and then back here, to the hotel.”

“Well, good luck. It’s about time you put yourself out there and started dating.”

My usual protest at her insistence stalls on my lips and instead, with the thought of Chris pinning me with his enormous green eyes and easy smile, I say, “Maybe you’re right.”

Her delighted laugh warms my heart, but I sense something behind me and the hair on the back of my neck stands on end.

I spin around and the floor drops out from underneath my feet.

Chris, across the ballroom, dressed in jeans and a black waffle-knit shirt, has his phone in one hand and a large brown paper bag with handles in the other.

I meet his eyes and can’t help the blush crawling up my neck at his handsome smile.

“Mom, I’ve got to go.”

“Is everything all right?”

“Yes, but… he’s here— Chris.”


He makes his way across the room as I say goodbye and hang up the phone.

He stops and raises the bag. “Hungry?”

I nod. “Starving.”

“Any chance you like Italian?”