Page 8 of Grump's Nanny

Anna took Katie by the hand and said, “Why don’t we show Haley up to where you guys live so we can get her unpacked?”

Katie looked at me shyly with a little wave, then we all began the walk up to the suite where I’d be living from now on.

It was beautiful inside. The resort had a more modern feel than Kevin’s, and this suite was no different. Everything was crisp colors and clean lines, even the play area. Of course, that was the way it was obviously intended to be. Truth be told, there were toys all over the floor and couch, and an easel with fingerpaints open and tipped sideways on the tray.

The only thing that didn’t seem to match the décor was the wall behind the easel, which was covered in dried fingerpaint. I wondered if that was allowed or if the art décor choice was that of the children or of their father.

“Oh, boy…” I mumbled, and Anna nodded in agreement.

“Guys,” Anna said. “Why don’t you all play some games or play with your toys while I help Haley get unpacked?”

Leann didn’t need any convincing. She sat down and grabbed a video game controller before Anna even finished speaking. Benand Katie began to dig through the toys as I turned and went with Anna into the guest room.

It was a good size, complete with its own bathroom. It only took a few minutes for Anna and I to get me completely unpacked, and once we were done, I looked at her.

“Well,” I said. “I guess I’d better get to work. I get the feeling it’s gonna be a tough one.”

“No kidding,” Anna said. “I don’t remember them being this… rambunctious.”

“That’s one way of putting it,” I said with a laugh.

She gave me a big hug and said, “You’ve got this. You’re going to do great.”

“Thanks,” I replied, hugging her back.

We went back out to the living room, and immediately Ben ran up to me.

“Miss Haley?” he said in a voice that seemed far too sweet.

“Yes, Ben?” I said, bending down to get on his level.

“I wanted to show you something,” he said, motioning for me to come even closer.

Against my better judgment, I did, and he held up a little container. I gave him a questioning look but took it anyway. I pulled the lid back, and–

“Oh, my God!” I shrieked as a bunch of spring-loaded snakes shot out at my face, much to the delight of the little boy, who proceeded to cackle with glee.

“I like this one,” he announced to the other two before looking at me. “I think we’re gonna have fun.”

Nothing like a little kid playing a prank on you and deciding falling for it makes him like you to make you feel on edge about what you’ve gotten yourself into.

Anna watched the whole thing with hesitation.

“You sure you don’t want me to stay?” she asked.

“No,” I said. “I can handle it. I think we’re going to get along just fine once I know exactly what it is I’m supposed to be doing with them.”

“You know best, Mega Nanny,” Anna said, giving me one more hug. She was about to turn to leave when Katie rushed forward and gave her another hug.

“Why can’t you be my nanny?” she asked, a slight whimper to her voice.

“Because,” Anna said sweetly, “I’m very busy right now, and Miss Haley is a good friend of mine who’s gonna take really good care of you.”

Leann gave another noise of dissent, while Katie looked at me from the side, eying me suspiciously.

“If you say so,” she said, letting go of Anna and walking over to her fingerpaints, watching me as she went like I was going to tackle her to the ground if she took her eyes off me for too long.

Leann was still seated in front of a video game, and Ben had walked over to join her, grabbing a second controller.