Page 58 of Grump's Nanny

The very memory of how he felt, of how fucking good he was, was enough to make me wet. I could still feel the way his body moved over mine, causing him to slide in and out of me in a way that had me coming and coming…

I could still hear his words from the night before. “I’m falling for you.” I still didn’t know what to do with that information. The logical part of my brain said it was a bad idea, and that I should put an end to it, even if it meant losing my job. But the other side… the other side couldn’t help but relish in the taboo of it all.

“All ready!” Ben said, rushing into the room and interrupting my naughty line of thinking. He then started to sing. “I wi-in! I wi-in!”

“Not fair!” Katie called as she and Leann came down the hall.

“Yeah,” Leann said, looking at me to referee. “I had to help Katie. Ben just had to dress himself.”

“It wasn’t a race,” I said reassuringly to the girls, then looked at Ben. “But I’m glad you were all able to get ready so fast. Now we can go skiing that much faster!”

We walked down the steps of the resort and out the doors toward the bunny slopes. After I got them strapped in and skied down to show them the technique again, Ben insisted on going first, which the girls rolled their eyes at, but didn’t argue about. He lined himself up with me at the top of the hill, dug his poles into the snow, and pushed off.

He whizzed down the hill, speeding right past me at the bottom because we hadn’t worked on stopping yet. Eventually he glided to a stop, then cheered.

“Did I do good?” he asked, “walking” back over to me with his skis still locked onto his boots, making him move like a penguin.

“You did great,” I said, giving him a high five. “Okay, who’s next?”

Katie raised her hand, and Leann helped her to the edge of the slope. Katie’s tendency was to sit down on her skis when she started to lose balance, which didn’t work as well as you’d think. But she seemed to like sliding down that way, anyway.

But today, she actually managed to stay on her feet for most of the way down, using her poles to keep herself upright.

“That’s amazing, Katie!” I called to her. “Keep it up!”

Of course, distracting a five-year-old from something they’re concentrating on is a bad idea, as I quickly learned, because she lifted her hand to wave at me and lost her balance. Her skis released—a safety feature, and she rolled the rest of the way down the hill.

“Wow, Katie,” I said, choosing to focus on the positives. “You almost made it as far as Ben did.”

She looked pretty happy about that, and I went to ruffle her hair, but she dodged me and threw her arms around my middle.

“Thanks, Haley,” she said.

“You’re welcome, Katie.”

Last up was Leann, who I’d given a little extra instruction to at the end of our last session, figuring as the oldest, it might makeher feel good to have something a little more advanced to show off.

She got into position at the top of the slope, and I nodded at her to go ahead. She nodded back, then pushed off with her poles. She was about halfway down the hill when she turned slightly to the left, then to the right, then back to center in a very basic slaloming movement.

“I did it!” she cried out at the bottom. “I did it!”

“Yeah, you did,” I said. “You’ve been trying really hard, and it shows.”

She beamed at me, and we all went back up the hill. This time, I showed them how to turn to the side to slow down or stop. I told them they only had to use it at the very bottom so I could catch them since they’d never done it before, and it can be tough to figure out the balance on turning like that.

This time, Leann went first. She tried her slaloming again and nearly took a fall when she did it a little too fast, but she managed to stay on her feet, and right at the bottom, she pulled herself to the side and braked right before falling onto her ass and laughing.

“Whoops!” she said as she got to her feet. “I think I need more practice.”

“Yeah,” I said, “but for the first time, that was great.”


“Really,” I replied.

Katie went next, trying to copy her sister and ending up rolling down the hill once more. Thankfully, she was all giggles as Leann helped her to her feet.

“That was a good try,” I said, “but why don’t you try getting all the way to the bottom on your feet before adding in the extra stuff?”