Page 13 of Grump's Nanny

She smiled at me from across my desk and handed me the last of the forms. “Don’t even worry about it. You can thank me on my paycheck.”

I laughed and shook my head. “I suppose I will.” I turned and headed toward the stairs to go up to my suite as Kendra went in the opposite direction toward the employee parking lot.

I trudged my way up the steps and down the hall, not taking the quickest route. I wanted the extra time before I got back to my apartment to unwind just a little more.

I’d been pretty harsh with Haley earlier when I’d found her in the kitchen. And doing so in front of the kids probably didn’tmake things any easier for her for the rest of the day. I owed her an apology, and it was going to take me a few extra minutes to work up to it.

When I finally got to my suite, I stood outside the door for a minute, took a deep breath, and opened it. The place was pretty quiet except for a small rustling sound coming from the kitchen.

I followed the noise and entered the room to find Haley rummaging through the pantry and cabinets. She had on some pajama bottoms and a tank top that perfectly accentuated her body, including the hardened nipples I could see poking through the thin fabric of her top. She didn’t notice me at first, and I took a moment to watch her, feeling a bit like a creep but unable to help myself as her bottoms slipped down on one side, revealing her hip and sending a jolt through my lower abdomen.

I felt myself start to get hard, but I was able to get myself under control before it became an obvious thing. The last thing I needed to do after being so rude earlier was to show up with a hard-on and freak her out.

Adjusting myself and stuffing away the thoughts I was having, I entered the kitchen.

“Hi,” I said, and she jumped about five feet in the air and turned to me with a hand on her chest.

“God,” she said, breathing heavily. “You scared me.”

“Sorry,” I said with a hint of a smile. “Are you okay? It wasn’t intentional.”

Once her breathing was under control, she gave me a look, then crossed her arms. “I’m fine. Thanks.”

I guess I deserved that. I was pretty shitty to her before. I looked at what she had out on the counter, and it was obviously some snack foods.

“Are you hungry?” I asked, not even considering that I hadn’t exactly given her a rundown of the suite so she knew where things were and what she had access to.

“Yeah,” she said, blushing and looking at the food she’d pulled out. “I’m sorry for scrounging. I just didn’t know what exactly I could have.”

I walked into the kitchen and looked past her into the pantry, then opened the fridge.

“Well,” I said, “I’d say you’re welcome to anything you’d like. You do live here now, and you’re always welcome to bring in your own food if there’s something special you want, but what you find in here is as much yours as it is ours.”

“Wow,” she said with an apprehensively appreciative look. “Thanks. That’s really generous of you.”

The way she said it, it seemed safe to assume not many of her previous nanny jobs had offered the same courtesy.

“But for tonight, I’m starving, too.” I pulled a pack of American cheese out of the fridge, then grabbed a loaf of hearty bread from the pantry. “Do you like grilled cheese? I know it’s pretty basic, but it’s easy to make, and I feel like we’ve both had a long day.”

She looked at the food I held and considered it for a moment before nodding.

“Great,” I said. “Have a seat.” I motioned toward the bar on the other side of the kitchen island, where two stools were set up.

She slid onto one of the seats and watched as I slathered butter onto the bread and put the sandwiches on the stovetop. They began to sizzle immediately, and the smell filled the air, making my mouth water. I hadn’t realized how hungry I was.

“That smells amazing,” Haley said, sniffing as the scent wafted in her direction.

“Good,” I said. “Because it’s one of about five things I can actually cook, so I’m glad it doesn’t smell like shit.”

She giggled, and I had to turn away to keep my eyes from drifting to the way her tits bounced beneath her shirt when she did.

Once the sandwiches were done, I plated them and set one in front of Haley before taking the seat beside her.

“Bon appetite,” I said, raising up half of my sandwich as if I was toasting to her, which earned another giggle, but then she sighed.

“Look,” she said after she swallowed her first bite. “I wanted to apologize for earlier. I shouldn’t have let the kids trick me, and–”

I interrupted her with a wave of my hand. “You owe me no apology,” I said. “I was too harsh. I had a bad day, and I took it out on you. I’m sorry for that.”