Page 4 of Grump's Nanny

“Seems like you might have missed this as much as I did,” I said with a seductive whisper. Max nodded, tilting his head back, his eyes closing.

I tugged his erection forth, exposing it to the slight chill of the room. I saw a thick drip slide down the underside of it and knew I needed to taste it.

I leaned forward, mouth wide open, the pain of my leg forgotten, and took as much of his length in my mouth as I could manage. I groaned deeply as the salty essence rubbed into my tongue, and once again Max arched into me.

I pulled back long enough to say, “Like that, baby?”

Max nodded, and I took him in once more.

Some girls hated giving blow jobs, but I didn’t. It was like a game of control, and I held all the cards. Which may have been why it took me barely any time at all to make him climax, deep inside my throat.

“Oh God, Haley,” he said as his orgasm finally subsided. “Remind me why I’ve been keeping my hands off you.”

I wiped my mouth and laughed. “You stupidly believe I’m a glass angel.”

He chuckled and played with my hair. “Tell me you will at least let me return the favor.”

My heart began to race at the implication, and I spread my legs to welcome him. “Well, it only seems fair…”

Chapter Two


"And in that regard–”

Despite my attempts to stay focused, the ambient noise of my suite was grating on me. There was a toy playing happy birthday in the room over, and I could hear little feet scurrying around, along with giggles mixed with harsh tones, a recipe for disaster, I knew, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. How the hell was I supposed to concentrate on selling my investors on a huge addition to the resort if I couldn’t focus?

“—And in that regard–” I tried again, attempting and failing to remember what the fuck I was talking about. I shuffled through my notes just as I heard a slap and then a scream from one of my children, which caused me to turn my head and open my mouth, ready to yell at whoever had done it, but I thought better of it and turned back to the call, closing my mouth.

My investors stared at me through Zoom, and I attempted to shrug it off, hoping they might have children of their own and understand. “Kids, eh?”

They did not look amused, and why should they? For someone who had assets worth over a billion dollars, surely James Warner could afford to hire a competent nanny.

Indeed, James Warner–me–could hire a competent nanny. Unfortunately, there was the matter of the demon children she would be charged with. Demon children who had my last name.

“If you will excuse me for a minute,” I said, bowing in a way that indicated I knew how unprofessional this looked.

I ducked out of the room and into the playroom, where my oldest, Leann, was trying to force a toy spoon into my youngest, Katie’s, mouth. Katie was definitely not having it and had tried to bite her sister. My son, Ben, was in the corner hitting the walls with his pair of four hundred dollar lightsabers we’d gotten him at Disney World.

This could be a condom ad.

“Kiddos,” I said in my best dad voice. “I need you to be quiet for five more minutes. Can you do that for me?”

As if in a direct act of defiance, Katie screamed as loud as she could.

“Hurry up, Warner,” I heard from the other room. “We don’t have all day.”

Fuck. How was I supposed to be a parent when I didn’t feel like a parent? I loved my kids, but my late wife had definitely wanted them more. Now that she was gone, it was all trial and error for me.

“Five minutes. Please, guys.”

I rushed back to the office and plastered on my best business smile. “Sorry about that.” I picked up my notecards and finally found my place again. “As you can see–”

“Revenge of the pooter monster!”

I swear to God time stopped, and I thought about how much trouble I would be in if I tackled my seven-year-old to the ground. But I didn’t have nearly enough time to act as Ben ran around me, farting as loudly as he could.

“We will check in with you another day, Warner.”