I bare my fangs in response.

“I’ve heard that nothing is more important to a Dragon than his mate.” The shadows pull back just enough that I can make out the sinister curl of his gray lips. “And yet, a T’kara is infinitely more precious to your kind… or so I have heard.”

The muscles ripple beneath my scales with want to shift and rend his limbs from his body. “I will burn you to ash if you dare try to harm her.”

“Ah,” he says. “So, it is truth. No wonder Luria believes she is one of the sanishon.”

I narrow my eyes. The Mage said this word when I rescued my mate. She wanted her dead because of it. “What do you know of the sanishon?”

My knowledge of this prophecy is lacking. I’d always believed it was nothing more than myth. The Ancient Tomes of the Lythyrian state that the sanishon will be wielders of great power. Freyja is human and she has the gift of foresight, not strong magic, so she cannot be what they believe. But none of this matters. They Mages have already made up their minds, and they want her dead.

“Enough to know that others of my kind have been sent to hunt you,” he replies darkly.

Freyja remains silent as a deep growl rises in my throat. “The Mage has sent you on a fool’s errand. If you think you will win against a Dragon, you are wrong. There is nothing here for you but death.”

“Tsk, tsk.” He grins, revealing two sharp rows of gleaming white fangs. “We demons do not fear death, and Luria did not send me.” He raises his hands in mock surrender. “And I am not the one you should be worried about, Dragon King. I merely came to see if the rumor was true that a sanishon has been found.”

“Who are you? And why would a demon care about such things?” I snarl, unwilling to let down my guard despite his statement that he is not here to harm Freyja. “Why are you really here?”

“Some call me shadow assassin, some refer to me as demon, and others call me monster.” He gives me a mock bow. “But you may call me Tarak.” He cocks his head to one side. “I came to warn you, Dragon King. It is not just one Mage that wants you both dead. It is the entire Order. Above all else, they seek to destroy the sanishons.”

“Why would they want them dead?”

“I cannot pretend to know the motives of the Order of Mages. All I know is that they will do anything to prevent the prophecy of the Lythyrian from coming to be.”

“Why give me this warning?” I ask, still not convinced that this isn’t a trap. “Since when does a creature of shadow offer help to another?”

The dark smoke that hides Tarak’s form swirls around his body in undulating waves as he steps closer. I growl low in warning, and he stops abruptly, his amber eyes locking with mine.

“I already told you. I am not the one you should be concerned with, King Aurdyn. Despite what you think, we creatures of darkness are not inherently evil. We may have been created by the dark magic of the Order, but there are many of us that broke away from the Mages long ago.”

Tarak’s form seems to grow taller as he stands before us. “The Mages seek power, and I would not see them extend that power and influence to the other kingdoms. That is why I seek to thwart them every chance I have.” His gaze shifts to Freyja, behind me. “If she is indeed one of the sanishon, the ancient tomes claim they will usher in an era of peace.”

I understand we are in danger from Luria, but his claim that the entire Order of Mages want to prevent the prophecy from coming to be does not make sense. The Mages supposedly want peace between the realms.

They protect the humans by binding their lands so that no otherworldly beings can use their magic in those territories. They do this to maintain the peace by creating an even balance between the humans, who possess no magic, and those who do. If not for this, the Dark Elves could have conquered Florin long ago if they had access to their powers in the human kingdom.

“The Order of Mages wants peace,” I counter. “Why would they want to kill the sanishons? Why would they want to prevent them from becoming the Great Uniters foretold in the prophecy?”

“The Mages do not want peace.” He sneers. “They want power. And war is the best way for them to achieve it.”

I’ve never trusted the Mages. They are powerful beings. But I am still not convinced what he speaks is truth.

Tarak cocks his head to one side. “You still doubt me.”

I remain in my defensive stance, allowing my silence to confirm what he suspects.

“I desire peace as much as anyone else,” he says.

“A demon—a creature of chaos and destruction—wants peace?” I ask, unconvinced.

“I met someone. It changed me.” He gives a casual shrug. “I mean sure, chaos and destruction are fun, but it all becomes rather boring after a while, you know. Now, I just want to settle down and raise a family.”

“You found another demon that feels this way too?” I cross my arms over my chest. “That certainly seems… rare for your kind,” I pick my words carefully, unsure where this strange conversation is going. And one can never be too cautious with a demon.

“I am mated to a human.” My jaw drops and he gives me a conspiratorial wink. He leans in and whispers. “Trust me. Your life is about to change for the better, my Dragon friend. My human mate… she is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“I… do not understand. What does that have to do with—”