Her gaze travels over my face and she arches a brow. “You could have fooled me.”

“Believe me.” I cross my arms over my chest. “When I am angered, you will know it.”

Freyja mimics my stance, and purses her lips. “You know… it would not hurt you to smile every now and then, Aurdyn.”

“Dragons do not smile.”

“Ever?” she asks.

I narrow my eyes.

“Are you just not a morning person, then?” she asks. “Is that it?”

When I do not answer, she continues. “My uncle was never a morning person… always a bit grouchy before he’s had his morning tea, you know.”

My eyes snap to her, and her brows shoot up toward her hairline. “That’s it, isn’t it?” She grins. “You’re grumpy until you have had your morning cup.”

Not wanting to admit weakness, I tip up my chin. “No.”

I should have never allowed myself to become addicted to the stuff. S’eleya tea is one of the things we trade regularly with the Dark Elves. I curse King Varys for having introduced me to it. It was a smart move on his part to ensure peace between us. He knows I would never declare war upon his people now. Not with the threat of losing our supply of morning tea.

The teasing smile falls from Freyja’s face, and she makes a small noise of struggle as we wade through a thick patch of snow. It is just above her knees and much more difficult for her to navigate through than it is for me. I understand the desire to be independent and strong, but we are being hunted. It is important that we move quickly. “You should let me carry you.”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you are not.”

“Yes, I am,” she insists.

My gaze drops to her legs. “The snow is too high for you. Your human body is ill equipped for this travel.” She glares at me, but I continue. “Your kind are fragile and weaker than a—”

“Dragon?” she finishes my sentence. “Yes, you’ve pointed this out before.”

“And?” I arch a brow.

“And I am tired of hearing it,” she snaps. “I can walk. Albeit a bit slower than you, but it is not impossible.”

Clenching my jaw, I run a hand roughly through my hair as I turn to face her. “Why must you be so stubborn?”

“Stubborn?”She gives me an incredulous look. “I’m not being stubborn. We still have a long way to go. I’mbeingconsiderate.”

“Considerate?” My head jerks back. “You—” I stop abruptly as a twig snaps behind us.

Freyja’s wide eyes indicate she heard it as well. The forest is eerily silent. Something I had not noticed until now. I’d been so focused on my mate, I had not realized that I’d let down my guard.

A cool breeze blows through the trees, carrying wisps of snow that catch in Freyja’s long red hair. Carefully, I spin toward the sound, making sure to place myself protectively in front of her as I scan the woods. The smell of death touches my nostrils, and I still.

“Something is here,” I murmur. “Watching us. Stay behind me.”

A low throaty laugh echoes through the forest.

“Show yourself,” I growl. “Now.”

Two glowing amber eyes blink in the distance as a dark shadow steps out from behind one of the trees. The outline of a man, shrouded in smoke, stalks toward us and I spread my wings to shield Freyja from his line of sight.

He is a demon. But what powers he has, I do not know.

He stops less than ten steps from our position. “A Dragon protecting a human? I never thought I’d see such a thing. Luria claim she is your T’kara.” Freyja gasps and my blood runs cold at the mention of the Mage that tried to end her life. “Tell me: Is it true?”