It is less than a few hours until sunrise. Freyja lies asleep in my arms, and I curl my wings tighter around her against the chill in the cavern, mulling over the question she asked of me earlier.

Did she ask this because someone tried to touch her against her will before?

As I consider this, anger burns like fire in my chest. As long as I draw breath, if anyone so much as lays a hand on her without her permission, I will burn them to ash.

Part of the fated bond is protectiveness of one’s mate, but I never thought it would be so strong. Even the mere thought of someone looking at her in a way that displeases her conjures murderous thoughts in my head.

“What time is it?” she murmurs against me.

“It is nearly dawn.”

“Morning?” Her head jerks up. “Why did you not wake me so I could take watch?”

“You were sleeping.”

“Yes, but… did you not need to rest as well?”

“I am a Dragon.” I tip up my chin. “We do not require as much rest as humans seem to.”

“Of course not.” She breathes out an irritated sigh. “Because everyone knows Dragons are superior to all other beings,” she says, a hint of sarcasm lacing her tone.

We may have only recently met, but I do enjoy the fire in her eyes when she is riled. “This is truth. I am glad you are finally recognizing this.”

“Are you serious?” she asks incredulously. “I wasbeingsarcastic.”

“It does not change the fact that it is true,” I reply smugly.

Her mouth drifts open and her cheeks darken. “Well, one thing’s for sure,” she grumbles. “Dragonsaredefinitely the most arrogant beings I’ve ever met.”

“Met many Dragons, have you?” I arch a teasing brow.

She narrows her eyes. “One is enough.”

I try but fail to suppress a smirk. She may not be a Dragon, but she isval’norall the same—one who possesses a heart of fire.

When we leave the cave,Freyja insists upon walking herself. Now that her injuries are healed, she claims that she does not need help. I curl my hands into fists at my sides as I think on her injuries.

Anger builds inside me. And it certainly does not help that I’ve missed my morning tea for two days in a row now, and I have a pounding headache as a result. I stare at her, remembering the terror in her eyes as the fire licked at her feet. The Mage will die a fiery death. I swear it to the fire god. Freyja could have died, and I never would have—

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Her question snaps me back from my dark musings.

“Like what?”

“Like you’re angry.”

I frown. “Why would you think this?”

“So… you are not mad?”

I was, but not at her. “No.”

We walk a bit further in awkward silence before she stops and turns to me again. “So, is this your normal resting face then? A perpetual scowl?”

My head jerks back. “I amnotscowling.”