A small shiver runs down my spine as my heart pounds in my chest. “Yes,” I barely manage to breathe out the word.
Aurdyn tightens his wing around me, and I skim my fingers along the leathery folds, studying them in wonder.
He inhales sharply, and catches my wrist, pulling my hand away from his wing. I twist my head back to him. “Did I hurt you?”
“No.” His voice is a low and rumbling purr. “A Dragon’s wings are very sensitive.”
I may be inexperienced, but I do not have to ask for any clarification of what he means. I recognize the hunger that burns in his eyes.
“I—I did not know,” I whisper.
He draws in a deep breath, slowly exhaling it out as he releases his grip on my wrist, and dips his chin.
I think again about his statement claiming that I’m his. I’m not exactly sure what that means, but I think I need to find out sooner rather than later or else things might get awkward between us rather quickly.
Clearing my throat, I steel myself and twist back to face him. “What did you mean when you said that I was yours?”
“You are mine—my responsibility,” he states firmly. “Mine to protect.”
My brow furrows. “Is this some kind of Dragon code of honor?” I ask a bit cautiously. “Or is this more akin to slavery?”
He frowns. “Slavery is barbaric.”
All right. Dragon code of honor it is then. This is good. My cheeks heat as I brace myself to ask my next question. “So… you’re a gentleman, right?”
“No,” he replies without hesitation, and a frisson of worry ripples down my spine. “I am a Dragon.”
I frown. “A… gentle-Dragon then?”
“There is no such thing.” He gives an indignant huff. “All Dragons are fierce warriors.”
My mouth drifts open, but I quickly snap it shut. He has absolutely no idea what I’m talking about. It seems Dragons are very literal creatures, so I decide to be blunt. “You will not try to touch me when I sleep, right?”
“I am already touching you.” He glances between us and then looks at me as though I’ve lost my mind. He studies me in concern. “Are you certain you do not have a head injury?”
“Oh, seven hells,” I mutter, rolling my eyes. “Iknowyou’re touching me. What I mean is: you will not try to touch me inappropriately while we lie together like this, right?”
His face twists in disgust. “I would never take advantage of another in such a way. I am aDragon, not a deviant Troll.”
He is so obviously offended that I’m relieved, and I decide to tease him. “Met many deviant Trolls, have you?”
“Only the ones I have eaten.”
A smirk plays on his gorgeous lips, and I laugh. “I would imagine they must taste terrible.”
“Worse than eating human,” he replies, and I laugh even harder.
After a moment, he tightens his wing around me, and I snuggle into his warmth. “Rest now, Freyja. I promise not to eat you or do anything else untoward. You are safe with me.”
His words are only mildly reassuring though, because I know we’re still being hunted. From the way his sharp gaze scans the cavern entrance, I’m sure it’s at the forefront of his mind as well. “I will keep watch,” he murmurs. “While you sleep.”
Although I’m tired, my body is wide awake. I turn my back to him again and he molds his powerful form around mine. Aurdyn is handsome in an otherworldly way that human men could never be. And despite his strength, he is so very gentle with me. He saved me. Twice.
He is very different from what I’d imagined a Dragon would be, and I wonder what else I do not know about him and his kind. We have at least a few more days before we reach the Ice Mountains, so I suppose I’ll have plenty of time to find out.
“Wake me when you want to rest,” I offer, and I feel him nod behind me.
Closing my eyes, I allow myself to fall away into sleep.