Sharp claws prick my flesh as fathomless pools of darkness stare down at me with a murderous gaze. Whatever my answer, he’ll kill me anyway.
I am a shield-maiden of Ruhaen, trained in the art of combat. I will not die without a fight worthy of earning me a place in the halls of my ancestors.
Without warning, I jerk my leg up, slamming my knee into his groin. He cries out and releases my neck, doubling over in pain and howling in agony. Taking advantage of his injury, I push past him to run, but his long fingers wrap around my ankle, causing me to stumble face first into the snow.
“Bloody witch,” he snarls, dragging me back to him.
Desperate to free myself, I grip a fallen branch the width of my wrist. Lightning fast, I twist onto my back and swing the makeshift weapon with all of my strength. A loud crack slices the air as it makes contact with the side of his head, and he falls to the side.
A menacing growl rips from his throat as he pushes himself up onto his hands and knees. Blood trails down his scalp, staining the snow black beneath him. Gripping the branch with one hand, he jerks it from my grasp, and backhands me with the other.
My head whips to one side, and the sick taste of iron fills my mouth as pain blooms across my cheek and the world begins to spin. Mustering my strength, I knee him again. A pained grunt escapes his clenched jaw at the impact.
“You’ll die for that,” he seethes, wrapping his hands around my throat.
Raw panic fills me as I claw at his hands, thrashing wildly beneath him as he tightens his grip. Darkness gathers at the edge of my vision as I struggle, gasping for air.
A thunderous roar echoes through the forest behind him. Silver-white scales flash through the trees as Aurdyn races toward us. In a blur of movement, he rips the creature away from me, slamming him into a nearby trunk with a sickening thud.
My lungs burn as I cough and gasp, drawing in several gulping breaths.
Aurdyn positions himself in front of me, spreading his wings wide to shield me from my attacker, as the creature pushes himself back up to standing.
Blood soaks his now shredded tunic, the deep gouges on his shoulders left by Aurdyn’s claws bleeding profusely. The creature’s lips curl up in a snarl as he glares at us both.
Aurdyn responds with a low and menacing growl. Thick cords of muscle ripple beneath his scales as he faces down the assassin.
Lightning fast, the creature charges forward. Aurdyn ducks at the last moment before he grips the creature’s arm with one hand and impales his chest with the claws of the other. The sharp talons sink deep into his pale gray flesh with a sickening squelch. Blood pours down his front from the gaping wound as Aurdyn retracts his hand.
The assassin’s eyes swirl with red and black, his chest rattling in his throat as he struggles to breathe. “My makers will not stop, Dragon king,” he rasps. “Not until she is dead.” His body slumps forward and crumples to the snow, falling still.
Aurdyn spins to me and drops to his knees. “Are you all right?”
Shakily, I nod. “What was he?” I ask, my eyes fixed on his twisted and sinister form. “I’ve never seen—”
“A shadow assassin.” He takes my hands, drawing my attention back to him. “They are a ruined form of life, created by the Mages to do their bidding.” His gaze flicks to the dead body. “What he was before he was turned, I cannot tell. But if he found us, there will be others. We must go.” His voice is an urgent whisper. “Now.”
“Go where?” Nervous energy still courses through my veins, but I force myself to push it back down. “Do you know where we are?”
“No, but we cannot stay here,” he replies in a low voice, his eyes already scanning the forest as if expecting another attacker to step out of the shadows. “That assassin will not be the only one the Mages have sent. We must leave. Now.”
I know he’s right, but I can barely walk. As if reading my thoughts, his gaze drops to my legs. “I will carry you.”
“What?” My head jerks back. “I’m too heavy. I’ll slow you down and—”
A wisp of black smoke curls out from his nostrils as he huffs. “Even though I am unable to shift forms right now, I am not weak,” he practically growls, and I know I’ve insulted him yet again.
“Iknowthat,” I stop short of rolling my eyes. “I just—”
The air leaves my lungs as he hoists me to his chest. His emerald-green eyes meet mine as if challenging me to question his strength again.
“All right. I get it. You’re a very strong Dragon,” I concede.
He tips up his chin but then looks to the cottage. “We must take a few supplies for our journey.”