Chapter 1
Making a big move is never easy. But sometimes a change just has to be made. As far as Bodie was concerned, this was a necessary change that he simply needed to make.
Having unpacked most of his stuff, Bodie was realizing that this move was definitely real. There was no backing out now, and Bodie knew it.
This is my decision.
It’s for the best.
I just need to be a brave Little…
Even though Bodie had been working on unpacking his stuff for what felt like an eternity, he still had a long way to go.
Packing and organizing was never really a strength of Bodie’s, and it certainly didn’t help that he was stopping for a drink and snack break every five minutes.
‘Phew, I really earned this!’ Bodie giggled, taking a long sip from his blueberry and mango juice box. ‘Now where’s that box of cookies?’
Bodie looked around and attempted to locate the big metal cookie box that he always liked to keep his cookies, biscuits and sweet treats. It was nowhere to be seen. Bodie knew that it had to be there somewhere, but in that moment he was truly struggling to see where on earth it could be.
Just as he was about to give up, Bodie s spotted his cookie box underneath a stack of color-coded sweaters.
‘Perfect!’ Bodie smiled, carefully treading over the various piles of clothes and boxes.
With the sound of the bird song outside his apartment window, Bodie crunched into a big, chocolate-chip cookie and hoped it would provide him with the sugary motivation to get the unpacking done in double quick time.
‘Oh golly, this isn’t even a quarter of my stuff!’ Bodie sighed, looking around at the boxes and piles of clothes around him.
With the main removal truck stuck somewhere in transit, Bodie had just about managed to unpack the clothes and essential items he had managed to stuff into his tiny rental car.
‘Hornz!’ Bodie exclaimed with joy, squatting down and picking up Hornz, his reindeer stuffie. ‘So that’s where you got to!’
Bodie gave Hornz a big cuddle and immediately felt better for it. Looking around the house, Bodie could see that it was very different from his bijou apartment in the big city.
Gone were the metallic worktops and minimalist furniture and in its place was far more rustic décor and homely furnishings.
Best of all though, there was space. Andplentyof it!
Bodie walked through the open plan living room and kitchen and stood at the door to the back porch that overlooked the garden. It was hardly enormous, but just having a neat little patch of grass and room for some flowers was a whole lot different to what Bodie had become used to in the city.
Bodie loved his old apartment.
It was the first place he had got on his own after graduating college. It would always hold a special place in his heart. But Bodie felt like he needed something else.
The thought of waking up nice and early to do some gardening or jumping rope and singing songs in the afternoon sun was something else. It felt like it could be a way for Bodie to live life to the fullest and let his Little side shine even brighter than ever before.
Bodie was no longer a lonely, overwhelmed city Little… he was now ready for a fresh start in a far more relaxed environment.
Well, that was the plan anyhow.
Bodie was twenty-two years of age and had pretty much always known he was a Little. But for whatever reason, and even in the big city, he had never really found a gang of Little friends to connect with.
Bodie always felt too shy and reserved to go to the various Little clubs and play-places across the city. There was something about them that made Bodie feel nervous and the longer it went on, the harder Bodie found it. In the end, Bodie had almost resigned himself to not having anyone to share his Little life with.
With his blonde hair and blue eyes with almost magically sparkling flecks of green, in theory Bodie should have proven irresistible for a Daddy. Bodie’s pert little butt should have been like a beacon for any Daddy Dom, but inexplicably Bodie found himself alone.
It made Bodie feel sad.
But Bodie did have plenty of things going for him outside of a lack of Little friends or a Daddy. For one, he was great at his job. Working in online content, copywriting, and with a master’s degree in Public Relations, Bodie had a great track record in his career.