Oh, shit. This might be a problem. Kendra put on her best poker face. “What about him?”

“I suspect you’ve been in contact with our friend Trey. That was very cute with you saying you found his note on your car, but I’m no longer amused. The time has come for him to come in.”

She leaned forward in her chair. “Why? What’s changed since last night?”

“We took his computers and gave them the full forensics workup. He’s too smart to leave anything incriminating on them, but we just got the report of his online activity from his ISP.”

Oh, God. This wasn’t going to be good.

Griffin let out a long breath. “He visited several websites that give step-by-step instructions on making homemade bombs.”

“After what happened last week, I’m sure most of the people in this building have done that.”

“Except Suber did it in the two daysbeforethe explosion.”

And there it was. Kendra felt her poker face crumbling. “Shit.”

“Yeah. But don’t feel bad. I’m the asshole who hired him.”

She shook her head. “I can’t believe it.”

“You’re the one who led the charge to look at our own agents as possible suspects.”

“Trust me, I’m thinking about that right now. It was the smart thing to do, based on the information we had. Maybe it was all part of the same plan.”

Griffin leaned forward. “I know I resisted the idea of looking in-house for suspects, but it did make sense. We have a very limited pool of individuals who could have done this. Only so many people knew where Dayna Voyles was buried. There was less than forty-eight hours between the time that Barrett drew that map for the DA’s office and when that bomb went off. In that time, maybe thirty people saw the map, and almost all of them were law-enforcement officers. Suber was one of them.”

“You’re forgetting someone else who knew where that body was buried.”


“Yes. We know he was communicating with people on the outside.”

He nodded. “We’ve all been running that angle down, and it’s gotten us nowhere so far.”

“But wouldn’t framing Suber be the best way to make usstoplooking for someone else? If we believed that one of our own agents was responsible? An agent half the office thinks is kind of nuts anyway?”

“More than half, to be honest. Especially since we got a peek at what his home looks like.”

“In his note, Suber told us where he really was when those security and traffic cams spotted his car. Have you even tried to verify his locations?”

“Of course, but it takes time. Time to get security camera footage, time to pore through all that nighttime video until we find something that gives us a clear picture of what we’re looking for. Look, Ireallywant to believe what you’re saying. But if Suber is innocent, he needs to come in and work with us. He’s not doing himself any favors with his disappearing act.”

She hated it when Griffin made so much sense. She nodded reluctantly. “I agree.”

“So will you help us bring him in?”

“Griffin…I was being honest when I said I didn’t have any way of contacting him.”

“Fine. If that’s true…”

“It is.”

“Then I’m guessing that means he may reach out toyou.”

“He…may. It’s possible.”

“If that happens, perhaps you’ll convince him to come in and allow us all to help him.”