“So was I.” Olivia added after a moment, “It was those damn steps. I’d never gone down that staircase before. I didn’t know where I was going, and I didn’t know who was going to be there at the bottom waiting for me.”

“But you made it through,” Kendra said. “And we only just missed getting Milo.”

“Which seems to be the common result where Milo is concerned,” Olivia said. “And then we start another page and hope no one gets killed.”

“None of it was your fault,” Tricia said as she came out of the kitchen carrying the cup of tea. “You were just conducting your life as you’d ordinarily do.” She set the cup in front of Olivia. “We all know who bears the blame for putting you through this.”

“Yeah, Milo,” Kendra said quickly. “And that’s the only blame instigated by this entire nightmare.”

“I don’t agree,” Tricia said. “None of this would have happened if I hadn’t involved her in my affairs.”

“Hardlyyouraffairs,” Olivia said. “Last I heard, the initial attack on you wasn’t with your consent. You were an innocent victim. Everything else that followed started from there. I don’t want to hear about it, Tricia.”

Tricia opened her lips to speak and then closed them again. “I don’t want to upset you any more than you are. I just had to have my say.” She turned to Kendra. “I’m going up to your condo to go to bed. Will you walk me to the elevator?”

Kendra nodded as she followed her to the door. “Olivia doesn’t need any more conflict. I know what you’re feeling, but it’s over and she’s safe.” She glanced back at Olivia. “Drink your tea. I’ll be right back.”

Olivia nodded mockingly. “Yes, ma’am.”

Kendra made a face as she shut the door behind her. “She must be more upset than I thought. Her reply should have been much more biting when I gave her that order. She was almost…tame.”

“Can you blame her?” Tricia punched the elevator button. “She looked like she’d been through a tornado.”

“No, she didn’t. She was tough. I was proud of her.”

“So was I,” Tricia said. “But she was drained, and I don’t like to see her like that. She’s so strong, and it hurts me.”

“Go ahead, say it,” Kendra said quietly. “You had a reason for getting me alone. Why?”

“Everyone was shutting me down and I had to get it out.” She drew a deep breath. “You’ve been good to me, Kendra. No one has ever been better to me. And you gave me Lynch and Olivia and they’ve been wonderful, too. But what happened to Olivia tonight mustn’t ever happen again. Something has to change.”

“We’re increasing security. We’re doing everything we can, Tricia.”

“I know you are.” Her voice was suddenly full of pain. “That’s part of what’s wrong. You’re all doing everything, and I’m not doing anything. And I had to stand on the sidelines tonight and watch a woman who’s good, and funny, and brighter than almost anyone I’ve ever met, almost get killed. Do you realize what that did to me?”

“I have an idea,” Kendra said. “But you’ll have to accept it as your part in what we’re all doing to catch Milo.”

“I don’t know if I can.” She tensed her jaw. “Do you remember how, the first time I met you, I told you everything I did after the attack to make myself stronger and smarter so that I’d be able to fight off anyone who came after me again? When Barrett was caught and killed, I thought I was safe. I had no idea that there would be a Milo in the wings. But I remember everything I taught myself. Maybe it’s time I did a little refresher.”

“No, it’snot,” Kendra said sharply. “Don’t even think about it.”

“For the time being that’s all I’m doing…thinking about it. I have that swim meet at Long Beach day after tomorrow and I have to be ready. But I felt I had to tell you how I feel. I can’t let anyone else take a risk meant for me. Something has to change.” She got on the elevator and punched the button. “We’ll discuss it after I win that meet Saturday.”

“You’re so sure that you’ll win?”

“I’m very, very fast.” The elevator door was closing. “Right now, that competition is the least of my worries.”

Kendra turned and headed back to Olivia’s condo. She was feeling the same way. Tricia had been balanced too long on that dangerous edge. It was going to be difficult to persuade her to stand down when one of her favorite people had been targeted. Kendra was only grateful that discussion was going to be postponed until after the swim meet Saturday. Perhaps by that time they would have found ammunition to convince Tricia to be more patient.



Next Day

Kendra’s Condo

Lynch spent the night with Kendra, but he was awake and on the computer hours before she stirred. He’d arranged a wonderful breakfast to be delivered from her favorite downtown brunch spot, and as they finished consuming it, Kendra’s phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out and looked at the caller ID screen.