

“I’ll stick around to just be certain. I’m going to talk to some of the investigators here at the scene, and after that—”

“No,” Griffin said. “You’re going home. Right now.”

“I can’t do that.”

“You can. And you will. I’ll take you there myself.”

Metcalf looked at Kendra and Lynch.

Kendra shrugged. “This is one time I’m on Griffin’s side. Go home.”

“We need you back at a hundred percent,” Griffin said gruffly. “You can hardly stand up straight. You need help back to my car?”

Metcalf hesitated before speaking. “Probably. But there’s no way in hell I’m going to let these guys see me leaning on you all the way out of here.”

Griffin smiled. “You survived a bomb blast. You’re a total badass as far as any of us are concerned. But I totally understand. Let’s go. I’m parked nearby.”

Metcalf was still looking back at Olivia. “You’re sure you’re fine?”

“No, not fine. But I’m better than you are. After I get the paramedics to take me to somewhere I can get a change of clothes and a shower, I’ll be even better. Get out of here, Metcalf.”

“I’ll call you later,” he called over his shoulder.

“Do that.” Olivia turned to Kendra. “Now will you please get me the hell away from here? I can’t take much more. I want to go home.”


Later That Evening

Olivia’s Condo

“Is she all right?” Tricia brushed Harley aside and practically whisked Olivia inside the condo. “They said he pushed her down a flight of stairs.” Her gaze was raking Olivia’s face. “I don’t see any facial bruising. But she’s limping and her wrist is bandaged. You should have taken her to the ER and had her checked.”

“No, they shouldn’t,” Olivia said firmly. “I’d know if I was badly hurt, and there wasn’t an injury. I’m a little stiff and sore but I’ll be fine.”

“You can’t be sure,” Tricia said. “And we can’t let that asshole think he can take you down. Sit and I’ll get you something to drink.”

“Let her alone, Tricia,” Kendra said quietly. “She knows her own body and she’d tell us if there was any serious injury.”

“Let her alone?” Tricia asked fiercely. “How can I do that? She got hurt because of me. She might have been killed and it would have been my fault.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Olivia said coldly. “No one is responsible for me, but me. I made the choice to go for that interview. If you want to feel bad about something, Dan Pembrook, a fine FBI agent, lost his life because Milo set that trap for me. He has a wife, and I’ll have to call her and let her tell me I’m not worth a shit and certainly not her husband’s life.”

“Agents’wives know that’s always a possibility,” Lynch said quietly. “And he took every precaution he could.”

“That doesn’t change anything,” Olivia said. “I’m the one he was protecting. I’ll call his supervisor and find out when I can make the call.”

“Well, it won’t be tonight,” Kendra said. “Sit down and have a cup of tea. Then we’ll get you to bed. You’ve had a rough evening.”

“I’ll get the tea.” Tricia headed for the kitchen.

“I can get myself to bed,” Olivia said as she sat down at the bar. “Stop hovering, Kendra.”

“Let me hover,” Kendra said. “I wasn’t certain I was going to ever get the chance again. I was scared, Olivia.”