“Can’t you let me get by with anything?”

“Not when you’re looking that gorgeous. You’ve got to be up to something interesting.”

She sighed. “I’m being interviewed for an Australian TV show.”

Kendra smiled. “My world-famous friend. Are they doing it at your place?”

“No. Atlas Studios near Balboa Park. TV shows from other places use it when they want to do studio interviews here in town. I’ve done quite a few there.”

“Want me to go with you?”

“Nah, you’ll be bored out of your mind. How many times can you sit and listen to me talk about myself?”

“Your story never gets old, Olivia. I love hearing about how you’ve taken your little website to a media empire.”

“Not quite an empire. I’m just glad people like what I do.”

“Come on, you’re a star.”


Kendra abruptly stopped smiling. “Seriously, I’d feel better if you let me go with you. I don’t like the idea of you going anywhere alone.”

“I’m not going to be alone. I have a driver, and that nice FBI agent Dan Pembrook who works night shift and practically lives on my doorstep is following at a discreet distance. It’s already been arranged.”

“That may not be good enough. What about when you get to the studio?”

“I know that entire studio like the back of my hand. The techs and hosts are all expecting me.”

“And will your agent be there waiting until you finish?”

“He’ll be outside in his car.” She held up her hand. “That’s as far as I’ll go,” she said flatly. “One of the reasons I’m such a draw is that they get feedback from the audience that they didn’t realize I was blind until the host announces it at the end of the interview. Until that time, I’m just an interesting subject that has entertained them.” Her voice was intense and dead serious. “One of the reasons I do these interviews is that it gives the public a new and healthier viewpoint on the blind.”

“Very clever and I can see why you might prefer it like that. But I don’t like it.”

“Too bad,” Olivia said. “Dan won’t release me to the dreaded TV people until he’s certain I’ll be safe. So have your dinner with Lynch and I’ll see you when I get home.”

She added as she headed for the door, “And I know you’re frowning at me so stop it.”

“You deserve it,” Kendra said. “I’m not going to leave it like this.”

“Yes, you are. Because you know I’m just as independent as you.” She tossed her a smile over her shoulder. “And I’ll throw you out and make you cook your own dinners if you give me any trouble.”

She shut the door behind her.


Olivia leaned forward in the town car as they approached the broadcast studio. Her usual car service’s best driver, Todd, was behind the wheel, and he’d gotten her there in less than ten minutes.

“How long do you think it’ll be, Ms. Moore?”

“Probably less than an hour. It’s a Sydney afternoon news and talk show, and I’ll only be on for one segment.”

“Looks like the parking lot is gated shut, so I’ll find somewhere nearby to park. Call me when you’re finished, and I’ll meet you right in front.”

“Sure thing.”

“Uh, there’s something you should know.” She heard the rustle of fabric as Todd turned in his seat. “It looks like we’ve been followed all the way from your building.”