“David Spalman. I tried to check with the hotline, but they had no record. I was wondering if he made it that night.”

“That time maybe, but he ended up driving off a cliff recently. Probably thanks to Milo.”

He muttered a curse. “Damn bastard.”

“Can you tell me anything else about Milo?”

“Only that he was driving a fancy blue Bugatti Chiron with California plates.” He paused. “And he was the same beast I knew all those years ago. It made me glad that most of the time I live in the jungles of Nigeria and nowhere near him. Good luck, Dr. Michaels.”

“Thank you.” She ended the call and phoned Lynch.

She quickly told him what she’d learned. “Very sketchy. But at least we know he’s a San Diego resident.”

“Maybe. Though there’s a good chance that he followed Jackie Gabert here after he thought Amsterdam might be getting a little too hot for him. You said Dumont told you he was a user.”

“If he did, it seems Jackie was too wary to help him. He was the head honcho in Amsterdam and he prostituted her. She probably wanted to be the one in charge once she broke with him.” Her lips curled. “But Milo obviously had no trouble establishing himself as premier Alpha with other people in Jackie’s cult circle. He even went behind her back and continued to pursue Barrett.”

“In his own little world, “Lynch said thoughtfully. “He liked the power he managed to develop here so much that when things began to go wrong, he tried to work it out instead of leaving the area as he had Amsterdam. And it’s good to know he has delusions of grandeur. We might be able to use it, if we see an opening.”


“I have no idea yet. But we’re beginning to see breaks in the façade. Check any info about a Milo King you can find. I doubt if you’ll have any luck. That was two years ago, and I bet he regularly changes his identity.”

“And what are you going to do?”

“I’m going after the King’s chariot.”


“He drove a fancy blue Bugatti Chiron then. Again, he probably changed his car regularly, since it’s a status symbol. Not only for identity purposes but for the grandeur complex. A new car would be a necessity with that kind of mindset. I’ll check used-car lots for the Bugatti Chiron to tap info and then go after the newest and flashiest cars on the market.”

“That should be easy enough for you,” she said dryly. “You’re an expert in that category.”

“Well, they’ll definitely realize I appreciate a good automobile.”

“In the three-hundred-thousand-dollar ballpark?”

“Or higher. He chose to call himself King, remember?”

“How can I forget? The sheer arrogance of it makes me ill. I’m content with hunting for any reference to the King himself and leave the chariot to you.”


Late Afternoon

Olivia’s Condo

“A citizen of our fair city?” Olivia repeated to Kendra. “Well, there was always that chance since all Milo’s devilry has lately been centered here.”

“But it’s verification and we needed that.” Kendra was gazing at Olivia appraisingly. “And you’re looking particularly gorgeous today. That’s the designer suit you bought in New York last year. What’s the occasion?”

“Does there have to be an occasion? I felt like I needed a lift.”

“Really? Tricia is practicing heats with her swim team tonight.” Kendra’s eyes were narrowed on her face. “Want to have dinner with me and Lynch?”

“I’d love to, but I can’t.”

“Gotcha,” Kendra said. “Do you have a date? What’s the occasion?”