“Don’t be afraid.”

“Easier said than done.”

“I’m not here to hurt you. I wouldn’t hurt anyone.”

“Your coworkers aren’t so sure. They didn’t appreciate your photo collection.”

“I’m being set up.”

“I believe you.”

He reacted in surprise. “Youdo?”


“Pardon me for asking, but…why?”

She held up her phone and showed him the screen. “The Celestron SkyPortal app.”

He still looked confused. “Yeah?”

“The telescope in your living room was still positioned in the same coordinates that you set the last time you used it.”

He thought for a moment. “That was the night of the five-planet convergence.”

Kendra smiled. “Of course it was. The only reason I knew about it is because the TV meteorologists wouldn’t shut up about it for the entire week before. I used this app to find out what coordinates your telescope would have been set for to view it. It matched the numbers on your telescope’s LCD screen.”

“Clever. But how does that clear me of murder charges?”

“That was the night Jackie Gabert was killed. This app says the apex of the alignment, when these telescope coordinates would have been applied, was within twenty minutes of her murder. You couldn’t have done it. You were here geeking out on the cosmos.”

Trey nodded. “Wow.”

She motioned for him to follow her. “Let’s go back to your house and tell Griffin.”


“Come on, Trey…”

“Sorry.” He adjusted his glasses. “Kendra…I was nowhere near any of those places.”

“Somehow, they have video, Trey. Traffic cams and private security cameras. Help us sort this out.”

“It wasn’t me. It wasn’t my car.”

“Did you know they can read the license plate?”

“I heard. But I’m telling you, it wasn’t me.”

“Why was your phone pinging the cell towers nearby?”

“I’m still trying to figure that out.”

“You work for an organization whosejobit is to figure it out. Go talk to them. They’re crawling all over your house.”

“I know. But someone is setting me up and I need to figure out what’s going on. My options would be extremely limited if I’m stuck in a jail cell.”

“No one’s talking about jail.”