“No, you won’t. She’s cool.” Kendra yawned. “And Olivia said she approved of you.”

“I’m honored,” he said ironically. “All I care about is if you approve.”

How could he ask that when her body was still smooth and heavy with lust and every muscle lax and full of the carnal memory of what he had done to her? Even now her body was beginning to tingle and ready just looking at him. “You might say that.” She rolled away from him. “I’m going back to the FBI office this morning. I’ll call you if I find out anything more.”

“Do that.” He headed for the door. “But there’s no hurry. You could rest for a couple more hours.”

“No, I couldn’t.” She sat up in bed. “There’s no going back after last night, and I’m not sure I’d want to. You know what you did to me. What we did to each other. I’ll have to think about it. But I know damn well I’m going to keep going forward on every other front.”

“I never thought anything else.” He smiled. “I’ll step back and not push for a little while. It’s pretty clear that you’ll let me know when the time is right.” He nodded. “Thank you for a lovely evening and I hope and plan that there may be many more.”

Then he was gone.

And Kendra was on her feet and heading for the shower.

An hour later she was showered and dressed and knocking on Olivia’s door.

“Come in and have some oatmeal and orange juice.” Olivia pulled Harley away from her and headed toward the breakfast bar. “You don’t need to make explanations. Lynch did that when he picked up Tricia.” She poured her a cup of coffee. “About that bastard’s call, nothing else. He left the rest to my imagination.” Her lips tightened. “You should have told me about it. It made me mad as hell. Not only that he was threatening you, but that he was using people you care about to do it.” She touched her chest. “And I know damn well I was one of those people. You’ve done all you can to protect me and your mom and Tricia and even Lynch. But from now on that isn’t your business. We can look after ourselves. I promise you I can. Okay, I’ll be extra careful. Don’t insult me by treating me as if I’m helpless. Now will you back off?”

“If that’s what you want.”

Olivia sighed. “You’re lying, aren’t you?”


“I should have known. Finish your coffee while I get your oatmeal.” She disappeared into the kitchen.

Another party heard from, Kendra thought wryly. Who would have guessed that her decision to keep Milo’s ugliness to herself would have sent out this spiraling whirlpool that had already caused an emotional upheaval? All the more reason to forget about her own to focus on bringing Milo down. Even when she was trying desperately to keep the search going, he seemed to be in the shadows waiting to pounce.

Harley was whimpering and laying his big head on her knee. “Hey, boy.” She reached down and stroked his throat. “Are you upset with me because Olivia is? I’m right, you know. That asshole wanted to hurt you, too. We’ve got to keep him away from everyone we care about. And I don’t know how long we’ll have to do it…”


Next Day

Kendra’s Condo

It was just past 10:00P.M.when Kendra’s phone vibrated on her bedside table. She checked the caller ID screen and saw it was Metcalf. She answered it. “Listen, you’re supposed to be getting rest. Stop worrying. I told you that I’d see that everything was going to be okay, and you’d have nothing to feel guilty about. I’ll call you tomorrow and—”

“It’s too late. Then you haven’t heard?”

“Heard what?”

“The Bureau has been rounding up traffic and security camera footage around the murder scenes of our cases. Lynch has been pushing them.”

“I know. It was a good move. Last I heard, they hadn’t come up with anything.”

“That changed a little while ago. They have footage of an MG that was present at both murder scenes just before each event. Same car, same plate.”

Kendra sat up straight. “Do we have a name?”

“We do.” He was muttering a curse beneath his breath. “It’s Trey Suber.”

Her breath left her. “Trey?”

“I haven’t seen the footage, but the car and plate are a clear match. And apparently his cell phone was pinging towers in those areas, too. It washim.”

“I can’t believe it. There has to be an explanation.”