She made a face. “Metcalf was right. No way. It was Trey Suber. But at least it will put a period to Milo’s big lie about FBI involvement.”

Lynch’s brows rose. “And keep you from having to look at any more personnel records when you want to dive in and go after Milo?”

“Basically, that’s correct. I had to be sure.” She met his gaze. “And we both realize that Suber would have an excellent reason for being at that crime scene.”

“Without doubt.” Lynch grinned. “And Metcalf would tar and feather us if we dared look askance at his hero.”

“You should have heard him this afternoon when I was insisting he tell me who that third man was.” She shook her head mournfully. “Even his mother likes me better than he does now.”

Lance exploded in laughter. “Lord, that must be the final condemnation.”

“It’s not funny. He was my friend.”

“And he will be again.” Lynch tried to stop laughing. “He’s being torn between loyalties. He’d never seen you when you were being a hard-ass. Give him a week or two.”

“I wasn’t being a hard-ass; I was being reasonable. He couldn’t see that I—” She stopped. He was still laughing. Even Olivia’s lips were quirking. “Never mind. I’ll find a way to make it okay with him.”

“Yes, you will.” Lynch was no longer smiling, and his voice was gentle. “You always do.” He turned to Olivia. “I think this would be a good time to give her those excellent leftovers so she can go get some rest. One way and another she’s had a tiring day.”

“I was about to do that,” Olivia said. “I don’t need you to order me about, Lynch.” She disappeared into the kitchen.

Lynch shrugged. “I believe that’s my exit line. Olivia can occasionally be protective of you, Kendra. Maybe she thinks I’ve been a trifle disrespectful.”

Kendra gazed at him in surprise. “She’d let you know.”

“I think she just did.” He was heading for the door. “It’s difficult to tell sometimes. Your friend can be as mysterious as a Greek oracle.”

“Tell her that,” Kendra said. “She’d enjoy the comparison. She might even forgive you for giving her orders.”

“It was a suggestion, not an—” He held up his hands in surrender. “Call me tomorrow when Dumont does his final revelation. I’ll be waiting. Good night, ladies.” He gave Harley a final pat and was gone.




Next Day

FBI Office

Kendra’s hands were shaking after she hung up the phone.

She was soaring with relief and excitement, and she took a deep breath.Calm down, she told herself. It was great news, but it was only the beginning. There was so much work to do, and it must be done right. She looked down at her pad and started to clean up the notes she’d made hurriedly as Pierre had reeled off the info. Then she stopped. Later. She could do this later. She wasn’t going to forget one word or name. Right now, she had to share this with Lynch. She steadied her hands and dialed his number.

“It’s about time,” Lynch said when he picked up. “I was thinking Dumont wasn’t as good as—”

“Milo Fletcher,” she interrupted. “His name is Milo Fletcher.”

Lynch was silent for an instant. “Dumont located him? He’s sure?”

“He located where he was when he hooked up with Jackie years ago. He doesn’t know where he is now. But he has to be somewhere in San Diego, doesn’t he? That’s where he killed Jackie and all those FBI agents. That’s where he was pointing that damn rifle at us.”

“Not necessarily. We can’t take anything for granted. Not even that Dumont is correct. You have a right to be excited, but go slow, take it easy. Give me the details. Where did Jackie meet Milo Fletcher?”

“Amsterdam.” She tried to follow his advice and be slow and precise. “Pierre went down the list of countries and he didn’t find anything of interest until Jackie traveled to Amsterdam and stayed at a small bed-and-breakfast in the center of the city. His contact questioned the owner who said that she was constantly in the company of an older man after the first few days. He was tall, good looking, and she seemed to be totally besotted with him. She did everything he suggested. At first, they spent time at the museums, but toward the end of her tour they spent the majority of their time in the Red Light District of the city.”

“Where Milo was presumably introducing her to a variety of carnal pleasures,” Lynch said.