“Yes, I do. I’ll be waiting for your text. Thanks, Metcalf.”

She ended the call.

Then she called Lynch at the swim center. “Metcalf will give me his list by the end of the day. You should realize he really didn’t like it or me by the end of the call. I don’t blame him. If the situation wasn’t so difficult, I’d never have reached out to him. I’ve done my part, now you’d better come through with help from Griffin.”

“You sound very grim,” Lynch said. “I’ve already called Griffin and made an appointment for us with him for this evening. I’ll drop off Tricia with Olivia after she finishes and pick you up.” He added, “And I’ll be the one to tell Tricia about Milo and his damn rifle before I turn her over to Olivia.”

“I can do that. It’s my job.”

“Our job. I’m doing it. Be ready to go.”

He cut the connection.



Special Agent Griffin’s Office

“You can’t expect me to go along with this, Lynch,” Griffin said harshly. “It’s all crap. You can’t believe that asshole could persuade any of my agents to turn rogue. Hell, you were an agent yourself before you turned black ops. And what if there was a leak to the media that I was investigating my own men?”

“There wouldn’t be a leak,” Lynch said. “You’re too careful to allow that to happen. So, scratch that threat. And it will only be me and Kendra who examine the files we’re given. We’ll be quick, but thorough. We’ll be in and out before you know it.”

“Oh, I’d know it,” Griffin said flatly. “I’d keep my eye on you twenty-four seven,ifI was stupid enough to let you have a look at my personnel records.” He turned to Kendra. “You’re going along with this? I thought you had more sense.”

“I want to call Milo’s bluff,” Kendra said. “He was trying to panic me. I don’t believe we’re going to find anything, but we have to explore every path. We need you to help us, Griffin. You know we’ll be careful. You don’t owe me anything, but Lynch appears to think you might be willing to strike a deal with him.”

“Really? I’ve already been more than cooperative with you, Lynch.” He turned back to Lynch. “What have you got to offer me?”

“What do you want?”

Griffin leaned back in his chair. “Let’s talk about it.”

“Let’s not. One favor, at your discretion. No more,” Lynch said. “I’m not playing games. You wouldn’t get that bribe if I didn’t think you were a decent agent beneath all that bullshit.”

Griffin’s face flushed. “You’re the one who came to me.”

“Yes or no? You know I’m good for it. Give me what I want, or we’ll walk out of here and I’ll find some other way. But you’ll have to prepare yourself for that way being much more intrusive. And it might involve other government agencies.”

“Arrogant bastard.”

“Right. Yes or no?”

Griffin was frowning. “You’re not going to find anything.” He paused. “And if you find something suspect, you bring it to me.”

“No problem.”

“I’ll need a couple of days to pull together those files. I have to be discreet about it.”

“You won’t need to worry about that. Fifteen minutes from now, I’ll have the personnel files of everyone in your office downloaded into my iPad.”

Griffin swore. “Courtesy of your sources in the DOJ?”

“My sources prefer to remain anonymous.”

Griffin swore again. “Then why did you even ask me?

“Professional courtesy. Thanks for your help. We appreciate it.”