He’d cut the hose!

Footsteps. He was now walking toward her. Slowly at first, then quickly. She threw down the still-humming spike gun and backed away.


Gunshots. But not from him.

From Lynch, she realized. He was alive! Thank God!


Lynch’s third shot must have hit the killer. His firearm clattered on the concrete as he dropped it.

He backed away. “Not the end. Until later, Kendra.”

He disappeared into the shadows, and his running footsteps receded to the far side of the building.

She ran to Lynch and crouched beside him. “Be still. Your head is still bleeding.”

He tried to sit up. “Guess that’s what happens when a bullet grazes your skull.”

“Are you sure that’s all it is?”

“We wouldn’t be having this conversation otherwise. But I have amonsterheadache.”

She pulled out her phone. “I’m calling for a paramedic.”

“Never mind that. Call the cops and the FBI. They need to find this guy.”

She gently pushed him back down. “Absolutely. I’ll phone them all.”


Griffin showed up before the medical team. But he’d brought a forensics crew with him. He took a quick look at Lynch’s head wound. “You’re okay. I always knew that you were hardheaded. Where’s the body?”

“I’ll show you,” Kendra said. “I don’t think Lynch needs to be walking around until he gets clearance from the EMTs. Though I agree he does have a very hard head.” She saw the ambulance coming toward the site. “I’ll be right back, Lynch.”

“Take your time,” Lynch said.

“Why? We’ve done his job. Now Griffin and his forensics teams can give us what we need. We almost both got killed. I’m a bit pissed off.”

Lynch chuckled. “You heard her, Griffin. You don’t want to get Kendra pissed off.”

“Don’t I?” he asked sourly.

“I’ll be right back,” Kendra repeated as she strode after him. “Come on, Griffin.”

Kendra was as good as her word and was back with Lynch and the EMTs in eight minutes. They were in the ambulance and on their way to an ER for X-rays five minutes later.

“What did you tell Griffin?” Lynch asked curiously.

“I told him that he said he wanted proof that there was another killer out there and we’d given it to him. Dusenberry’s corpse was self-explanatory.”

Lynch laughed. “And what did Griffin say?”

Her lips were twitching. “Lots of gruff obscenities. But they ended with him saying he’d think about it. That was good enough for me for the time being.” She paused. “But that bastard knew who we were. He recognized me and called me by name. I’m wondering exactly how much he knew about what we’ve been doing since that first explosion.”

“No telling. It’s been slow and painstaking for the most part.”