
“By tapping into the tracking device he carries in his pocket.”

“His phone? You’re accessing his phone?”

“Not yet.” Lynch’s fingers flew across his screen. “Give me another forty seconds or so.”

“What’s scary is that you’re using government tools to do this. Tools you’re obviously accustomed to using.”

“Lucky for us.”

“Hmm. What does it say about me that I’m going along with this?”

“I don’t know…Maybe that you want a killer off the streets as quickly as possible?”

She thought about it. “Okay, we’ll go with that.”

He showed her his phone screen. “Got it. He’s in Cherokee Point.”

“His home?”

“No, he lives in Lincoln Park.”

“Of course, you would already know that.”

“I can also tell you how much he owes on his mortgage.”

“And not his Mastercard balance?”

“Visa. A little over eleven thousand dollars.”


“I take that as a compliment.”

Kendra climbed into the passenger seat. “Let’s go talk to him.”



Their drive to the Cherokee Point neighborhood took less than fifteen minutes, and the phone’s map app immediately directed them to a construction site near the intersection of the I-805 and I-15 freeways. It was a six-story office building with what appeared to be a large central plaza. The complex still appeared to be several months from completion.

“It doesn’t look like anyone’s here,” Kendra said.

“It’s almost six. Almost every construction crew I’ve ever known clears out at five on the dot. But according to my tracking app…” He nodded to a white pickup truck parked near a construction trailer. “That’s Dusenberry’s truck.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. That’s his license plate.”

They stopped next to the truck and climbed out. It was almost dusk, and a cool ocean breeze had begun to blow over the construction site. Kendra looked inside the pickup’s driver’s side window.

“Does that tell you anything?” Lynch asked.

“Not much. Other than hereallylikes Taco Bell.”

“Anything else?”