“Adam Lynch.” He shook her hand. “But you don’t have to pay any attention to me. I’m just here to listen and observe. I’m very good at that.”

“I bet you are.” She smiled again. “And I always pay attention.” She laughed. “That’s one of things thatI’mvery good at.” She turned back to Kendra. “Shall we sit down and have our talk?” She perched on the corner of the desk. “Shall I start? I’ve actually been expecting someone from the FBI to come around to see me, but I never thought I’d rate a visit from you. I knew they’d want to tie up the last details on the case after that asshole blew himself up, but I’d judge you to be more a celebrity than a regular cleanup agent.” She shrugged. “Oh, well, what do you want to know? This is really a waste of time for all of us. I’ve no complaints about the Bureau’s handling of my case. Everyone seemed very efficient, and the most important thing is that they kept me alive, isn’t it?”

“Yes, they did,” Kendra said quietly as she dropped down in the visitor’s chair beside the desk. “But I believe you’ve misunderstood my purpose in coming here. I wasn’t sent here to get your stamp of approval on the handling of your case. I’m afraid it’s an active investigation. I need to ask a few questions regarding your relationship with Barrett.”

“Active investigation?” Tricia’s smile disappeared. “What the hell do you mean, my relationship with Barrett? I’ll tell you what my relationship was with that bastard. He wanted to kill me. I wanted to stay alive. I won. He lost. End of report.” Her voice was suddenly fierce. “And now he’s dead and I’m going to try to forget about him. I’ve fought that battle for over four years. After I first got away from him, I just tried to make certain that I’d be able to defend myself if I was ever in that position again. First, I only used my mind because I realized you have to start with outthinking someone like Barrett. Then I took judo and karate and I got better and better. After that I learned about weaponry. Then I discovered swimming and I realized my body was getting stronger and stronger. When I began swimming in competition, I learned how good I was. Now every time I win a swim meet or ace an academic test, I show the world what I can do out there and how wrong Barrett was to try to take it from me.” She drew a deep breath. “Does that answer your question?”

“No.” Kendra grinned. “But I can see why he was obsessed with you until the day he died.”

“Ditto,” Lynch murmured.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tricia said. “I did my best to put him out of my mind since the day he tried to rape and kill me. And, since I had the FBI shadowing me, he gave up and left me alone.”

“Wrong,” Kendra said. “You’re saying that you had no communication with Barrett after that day when he attacked you?”

She shook her head and said bitterly, “I suppose he was a little busy when they started digging up his other victims.”

“That could be true. But it’s become clear that he never forgot you.”

“You think he had some sick obsession for me? Even if that’s the case, his only goal was to murder me once he had raped me.”

“How do you know for sure?”

“Because he had a butcher knife pressed on my throat, and he was telling me all the ways he was going to cut me into pieces,” she said sarcastically. “Don’t you believe that would be proof enough?”

Kendra nodded. “I had to ask.”

“Well, now you know. If your curiosity is satisfied, I’d like you to leave.”

“It’s not satisfied. I’m afraid I’ve just begun. If you’ve had no contact with Barrett, how did he get hold of your swim goggles?”

“What?” Her eyes widened. “My goggles?”

Kendra held up a photo of the goggles she found in Barrett’s cell.

Tricia squinted at the photo. “I lost those about a year ago.” She inhaled sharply. “Hehad them?”

“You said you lost them about a year ago,” Kendra said. “Is it possible he got them before then? Or maybe even back when he attacked you?”

She shook her head. “No. No way. I just started using that style in the last year and a half. Barrett was already in jail when I lost those.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. I know exactly when those went missing. It was a big deal. They had expensive prescription lenses. How would Barrett get hold of them?”

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out.” Kendra leaned forward. “Can you tell me the approximate time and place you found out they were missing? Were you aware of any strangers in the vicinity? Or did you take them with you when you went somewhere?”

“Stop.” Tricia motioned for her to be quiet. “I realized they were missing the day after the fall meet here at the university. I had a practice session, and I couldn’t find them. Yes, there were all kinds of strangers here that day. It was a meet, for goodness’ sake. I didn’t take them with me anywhere. The last I remembered they were in the waterproof kit in my swim bag. Any other questions?”

“Not right now.”

“Well, then I have a question. How the hell did Barrett get those goggles? You must have some idea, if you’re here asking me about them?”

“We don’t know. That’s why I’m asking the questions. I found them in his cell yesterday and turned them over to the FBI. We’re searching for answers.”

“Why? He’s dead, isn’t he? Tell me he’s dead.”

“He’s dead. No doubt about it.” She paused. “But when I went to the blast site, I found something that led me to think that he might not have been the one who planted that bomb. It’s possible he may have been working with someone else.”