Get down here,” Olivia ordered when Kendra answered her phone. “Tricia just blew into my condo and she’s running around trying to wrap three days’ work up in one day. I’m trying to give her lunch, but she keeps asking me questions about my computer preferences for next year’s podcasts. I need someone to run interference.”

“You never have trouble with scheduling. You’re the boss, tell her to adjust and give you the days you need.”

“Won’t work. She only has one day. Get down here.” She ended the conversation.

Oneday? What the hell was happening?

Kendra was still wondering that when Olivia opened the front door of her condo five minutes later.

“Not too bad.” Olivia tapped her watch. “You must have dropped everything to get here that soon. I do like it when you let me control a situation.”

“Be real. You always control the situations.” She patted Harley as she entered the foyer. “Where is she?”

“Here!” Tricia lifted her head from under Olivia’s desk. “I just had to make an electronic adjustment. Hi, Kendra. Glad you could make it. I’m having a problem with Olivia. She doesn’t recognize there’s a time constraint.”

“How unusual. I wonder how she managed when you weren’t around. Am I supposed to be referee?”

Tricia shook her head. “I think you were brought down to keep me out of her hair so that she could finish making lunch. But you’ll be a magnificent distraction.”

“My thought exactly,” Olivia said as she snapped a leash on Harley’s collar. “But it will take time to settle her down so I’m going to take Harley for a walk. Otherwise, she’ll just transfer her attention to dog training instead of that computer. I’ll see you both in about forty-five minutes.” Then she and Harley were out the door.

“Done.” Tricia was pouring coffee in Kendra’s cup. “Now you can sit down and have coffee and then relax. Okay?”

“It works for me,” Kendra said. “I’m just here to do my duty to Olivia and keep you from driving her crazy. I was just about to leave to meet with my clients.”

“Olivia told me that you planned on doing that.” She poured herself a coffee and sat down across from her. “She said that you sometimes needed time away from all the bad stuff to cleanse the palate. This one left a very bad taste in your mouth?”

“Exceptionally bad.”

“Me too.” She suddenly knelt in front of her and took Kendra’s hands in her own. “Doesn’t Lynch help?”

“Sometimes. But he has his own battles to fight. We all do. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Why should I burden him with mine?”

“You wouldn’t be a burden to me.” She was looking down at Kendra’s hands. “Not ever. So don’t ever think that you would. I’ll tell him so, if you like.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary.” Kendra was smiling at her. “Lynch does kind of like me.”

“I know,” Tricia said. “Who wouldn’t? But you need more than that. I think we should be best buds.”

“Wearebest buds,” Kendra said. “Haven’t you noticed?”

Tricia nodded. “But I want to be like you and Olivia. My parents are having a fit about me going to Phoenix and working under that special swimming coach. They got scared and I promised I’d leave tomorrow.” She said coaxingly,“How about it? I’ll give you one of my first medals I win at the Olympics.”

“I’d be honored, but our relationship can’t be like anyone else’s because each relationship is different and special.” Kendra squeezed Tricia’s hand. “And always will be.”

“I guess I knew that.” Tricia made a face. “But you know me. I wanted it all. Maybe next time?”

“It wouldn’t surprise me.” Kendra chuckled. “I know how determined you can be.”

“What’s next?”

“We go forward and see what we can find around the next corner.” She tapped her temple thoughtfully. “I’m sure it can be just as exciting.”

“Will you come to watch me when I go for the medals?” Her face was suddenly luminous. “Now, that would be exciting.”

Kendra should have realized Tricia would immediately dive into the deep end. “I’m sure there are rules about who gets to go on jaunts that prestigious,” she said warily. “Suppose we discuss it when you get closer to the games.”

Tricia shook her head. “I think that we should make plans now. You’re right, it might be difficult.” She snapped her fingers. “But Lynch would probably be able to swing it. Why not? He does all kinds of stuff like that, doesn’t he? Diamond mines, getting rid of dictators, dangerous extractions, and—”