“Hello, Kendra. Did you miss me?”

It was Tricia!

Kendra inhaled sharply. “You could say that. When I didn’t want to break your neck.”

“You’d have to stand in line,” Tricia said. “And I don’t believe you’d be willing to let Milo get ahead of you. I know I wouldn’t. But then that’s what this is all about, isn’t it?” She paused. “Never letting Milo get ahead of anyone again. How angry are you with me?”

“I’m not angry. I’m just worried and sad and thinking that this could be an incredibly bad mistake.”

“And you could be right,” she said quietly. “But it’s one I’ve spent years preparing myself for. I suppose I always knew it would come down to this.”

“You alone? You couldn’t know,” she said between set teeth. “Because it’s stupid and you’re not stupid. You just got discouraged and scared for all of us. But you should have realized that was what Milo wanted. He feeds on fear.”

“I do know it,” she said. “Because he’s tried to do that to me since the day I got away from him. But I’m not afraid any longer.” She was silent a moment. “I think you taught me that, Kendra. I’ve watched you and Olivia and Lynch. No matter what happened you just accepted it and then went on the attack.”

“You didn’t need to be taught,” Kendra said. “I knew that from the moment I met you. I just want you to let us help. Can’t you do that?”

“I’m afraid not.” There was genuine regret in her voice. “I’ve never had a friend like you. I don’t believe I could bear to lose you. I’ll just have to go along with the plan. I’m sorry that I can’t give you what you want.”

“So am I.” Kendra’s voice was suddenly hard. “Because it just means I’ll have to take it. I don’t give a damn about your plan. I’m certain it’s as clever as you are. But I’m not going to let Milo get within a yard of you. We haven’t stopped making plans of our own just because you decided to opt out. For instance, I’m going to text you a few photos of Milo so that you’ll recognize him when you see him.” She pressed the button. “He’s not bad looking but he has a…tightness that I don’t like. We’re having problems with Griffin, so don’t count on him. But you can count on the rest of us. We’re going to be on your trail every minute.” She paused. “And on Milo’s. Like it or not I won’t leave you alone. Because I don’t believe I could bear to lose you, either. If you decide to come to your senses, give me a call and we’ll do it together.”

Tricia was laughing. “Just what I said.”


“You accept whatever comes and then go on the attack.”

“Only when I’m not left a choice. Did you get the photos?”

“Yes, all three. It may be helpful.”

“That was the aim. That’s all I want.”

“I know.” Tricia’s voice was gentle. “It’s all you’ve ever wanted. I hope you get what you want. But I doubt it, Kendra. Not if my plan works. Goodbye, my friend.”

She cut the connection.

Kendra’s fists clenched. “Son of a bitch.”

Accept and go on the attack.

Kendra called Lynch and filled him in on her conversation with Tricia.

After she finished, he paused before speaking. “Obviously, when she gets something in her head, she can’t be easily talked out of it. Reminds me of someone else I know.”

“This isn’t a time for jokes.”

“Who’s joking?

“I’m worried about her. I wish we knew where she was.”

“Well, when you were talking to her, she was about fifty miles north of San Diego. She was on the I-5 freeway.”

Kendra wasn’t sure she’d heard him correctly. “What are you talking about?”

“I reached out to one of my sources. I’ve arranged for them to send me a text whenever her mobile phone pings a cell tower. It just came in. Her phone hit three towers during the conversation you just had with her.”

“You know that already? I’ve been part of investigations where it’s taken hours to get that kind of information.”