Milo was somewhere in his middle to late thirties. Slim, well dressed, and smiling at the used-car dealer with charm and intensity. Good looking, dark hair and eyes. The second photo was more of a close-up and revealed the tightness around his lips, the flicker of impatience in his eyes. The third photo showed the strength of shoulders and arms and a hand that was gesturing and very expressive.

It also showed a tattoo on the man’s collarbone.

“This is it,” Kendra said. “The circle-triangle tattoo that the dog walker saw down the street from Jackie’s apartment!”

Lynch nodded. “It’s only visible on this third picture. The collar covers it on the others. This is our man.”

“I remember how he completely fooled Olivia at that studio. I think he’s deceptive, and capable of anything, including the murders we know he committed.” She turned around and headed for the door again. “And I want to keep him as far away from Tricia as we can manage.”


“Am I in trouble?”

Barbara “Babs” Murphy stood in the doorway of the dorm room she shared with Tricia Walton looking like she was about to jump out of her skin. She was much more guarded than she had been at the swim meet.

“No, you’re not in trouble,” Kendra replied quickly. “Not at all.”

“Of course not.” Lynch added, “You’ve been honest with us, right?”

“Ihavebeen.” Babs shook her head. “This was all Tricia’s idea. I thought I was doing her a favor. The next thing I knew, I had all these FBI agents crawling up my ass.”

Kendra smiled. “Disturbing visual aside, no one’s trying to get you into trouble. We just want to find her. May we come in?”

Babs opened the door wide. “Sure.”

Kendra and Lynch stepped inside. It was slightly larger than most dorm rooms she’d seen, but the layout was similar: beds, desks, small window.

Kendra pointed to a tightly made-up bed on the right side of the room. Over the headboard, a single brass hook held over a dozen award medals. “Tricia’s bed?”

“Yep. I sure don’t have that many medals,” Babs said. “And she’s got about twenty more in her desk drawer.”

Kendra nodded. “I believe it. Tell me, did she give you any idea where she was going?”

“No. I didn’t even know shewasgoing anywhere. I thought she just wanted to get away from all the media. Ever since people started talking her up as the next big thing, life has been crazy for her. And it really got intense afterSports Illustrateddid that profile. I was happy to play decoy for her while she slipped out of the aquatic center. I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

Kendra looked at the books and papers on Tricia’s desk. “Does she keep a datebook?”

Babs snorted. “How old do you think she is? Uh, no. I’m sure she just uses the calendar app in her phone like everyone else I know.”

Kendra winced. “I guess I deserved that. How about a change of clothes? Did she take anything with her?”

“Actually, yes. I checked after I got back here. She took her suitcase. It’s usually under her bed. She must have packed it up and loaded it into her car while I was out last night.”

Kendra lifted the bedspread and looked underneath, where there were several small open boxes and packing materials strewn about. She was about to put the bedspread down when something caught her eye. She pulled out one of the boxes, which featured a graphic of a claw-shaped knife.

Lynch took the box from her. “This is a karambit.”

“A what?”

“A knife used in Indonesian martial arts. What is she doing with this?”

Kendra pulled out the other open boxes, and Lynch let out a low whistle. “Butterfly knives, ring blades…Does Tricia know how to use these things?”

“She thinks she does. She studied martial arts after that creep almost killed her a few years ago.” Kendra looked up at Babs. “Have you ever seen her use these things?”

“Never,” Babs said positively. “I don’t think they’re even allowed on campus. I guess she’s always just kept them there under her bed.”

“Well, only the boxes are here now.” She glanced at Lynch. “She appears to be serious about trying to face off against Milo.” She moistened her lips as she added, “Alone.”