
Kendra whirled to face him.

Adam Lynch was walking out of the trees of the pine forest, and he was smiling. “Maybe it should be your car. You’re looking a little tousled and dusty today, and I believe you have a smudge on your cheek. I’m not sure you’re worthy of my Lamborghini Aventador. It takes a certain style to carry it off. The Toyota is much more fitting your presentation today.”

“Damn you.” She started walking toward him. She shouldn’t be this glad to see him. Every time she was away from him, she told herself that she should keep their relationship on a more platonic basis. But it never worked when she saw him. How could it? When he looked like a blasted movie star, and she knew all the intelligence and charisma that he could weave without even trying? There was definitely never anything platonic about how she felt about him when he was smiling with that hint of mischief. “Are you finished? What are you doing here, Lynch? Weren’t you in South Africa last week?”

“You sounded bored. I thought I’d wrap up that business in Johannesburg and come back and keep you company.” His smile vanished. “And then I heard about the butchery that happened here. I’m sorry. I thought you could use one more person in your corner right now.”

“Funny you should say that. Olivia told me last night that I might need someone to hold my hand.”

“It doesn’t surprise me. Olivia is always incredibly wise.”

“But as usual she knew you weren’t around, so she gave me the perfect substitute.”

“And that proved to be?” he asked warily.

Kendra looked him in the eye. “Why, Harley. Who else would be that perfect?”

He clutched his chest. “Stabbed to the heart.”

She chuckled. “You’ll survive. You always survive.”

He nodded. “That’s my reputation.” Then he asked soberly, “But I heard Metcalf was one of the victims. I called Griffin when I got to town, and he said he’s still critical.”

“ICU. The head nurse said he was doing as well as could be expected.” She made a face. “Whatever that means. When they brought him to the hospital, they expected to lose him.” She held up her hand. “I’ve got to stop that. Olivia said that I had to be positive.”

“So, you spent the entire day trying to find something to be positive for in that crater?”

“No, I spent the entire day looking for some reason that a human being could do what they say Barrett did.”

“Did you find it?”

“Maybe.” She rubbed her temple. “Or maybe not. I’m thinking that he might be as crazy as everyone says, but self-preservation is a powerful deterrent. I just have to find out what drove him.”

“And you’re very tired, and right now you’re sick of the human race.” He took a step closer and then she was in his arms. He could feel her stiffen and began to rock her. “Shh. Pretend I’m Harley. We’re both hanging around to make sure that you have everything you need and nothing else.” He cradled her face in his two hands. “Well, maybe a little something else.” He kissed her, slowly, gently. “And then we’ll go out to dinner, and I’ll take you home. But if it’s all right with you, I’ll stick around at your place in case you hear something about Metcalf and need me. I’ll even forgive the tousled hair and dust and let you ride in the Lamborghini.”

“How self-sacrificing.” She buried her face in his shoulder. He felt strong and solid, and it seemed too long since he’d held her like this. “Where did you park that fancy chariot? I didn’t notice it?”

“I parked it on the other side of the pine forest. This wasn’t a place to bring a hot toy like the Lamborghini. I had to respect what happened here.”

And how many people would have thought to strike that balance? It meant too much that she knew he had probably done it instinctively. “Yes, you did.” She added mockingly, “You’re all heart, Lynch.”

He was silent, studying her. “Just trying to compete with Harley.” He pushed her back and looked down at her. “How am I doing?”

“Pretty well. Except for your eyes. Yours are just a kind of boring blue. Don’t you remember? Harley has one blue eye and one brown. They would be difficult to duplicate.”

“I admit I’d forgotten that I had such a serious discrepancy to overcome. Do you suppose you could overlook it?”

“I could try. Since you came halfway around the world to pay me a visit.” She turned away.“But I’ll take my own car back to the condo while you go and get us something to eat. I need to shower and change so that I won’t be tempted to sock you if you make any more cracks.” She headed toward the Toyota. “We’re not all expert fixers like you, who corporations and governments pay to go into hot spots and straighten out their disasters. Some people actually have to get their hands dirty occasionally to accomplish a decent day’s work.”

“Really?” he said mildly. “I’ve heard that’s true. How unfortunate. It would be even more unfortunate if I thought you believed what you were saying. Do you?”

She looked back at him. “No. I had no reason to strike out at you. You do a job that no one else could dream of doing and I respect that. I’m just tired and sad and I hate like hell that you thought you had to come back because you were worried that I couldn’t handle the situation. Another project to fix. It just underscored the helplessness I’ve been feeling since all those innocent people got blown up.”

“There’s nothing that’s helpless about you, Kendra,” Lynch said quietly. “I’ve always known how strong you are. I have no intention of trying to ‘fix’ you. I came because I couldn’t take the thought of you having to face the death of a friend alone when I could be here. I realize that you’ve been trying to take a step back where we’re concerned, and I’m not pushing. Who knows where we’ll end up? What will be, will be. But I do know that even if it’s not as lovers, we’ve been through too much together not to work at keeping the friendship alive and well.” He paused. “So, stop being on the defensive, and think about what you’d do if our situation was reversed.” He smiled. “And then tell me where you want me to pick up dinner.”

He was doing it again, she thought as she stared at him. Taking the situation and bending it to suit himself. The ultimate fixer. But she could tell he was sincere, and she found she was relieved and grateful that he’d made it easy for her to accept without making any commitment. Reversal? Yes, she would have gone to him if she’d known he might lose a friend he cared about. She hadn’t the slightest doubt she would have been on the next flight. The reason? The many cases they’d solved as partners? The romantic sparks? Friendship? Perhaps a dozen other reasons in a relationship as complicated as theirs. Pick one.