“Mmm,” he hums. “So, you didn’t answer my question on whether you were going to go with me tonight or not.”
Nestling into his warmth, I reply, “I’ll go with you.”
“I knew you would, which is why I told Batista to pick Booker. They’re going to meet us at your house, because I need to get you home so you can change,” Domencio laughs at being one step ahead of me.
“Then I guess we need to get up. Let’s take a shower, then be on our way,” I say.
Domencio groans, tightening his arms around me. “Okay, but can we stay like this for a few more minutes?”
Did he think I was going to say no to that? I don’t think so.
Chapter 15
After leaving the comfortof my bed, Sydney and I took a shower together. Once dressed, we left for her house. Pulling up to her house, we noticed Batista’s SUV parked in the driveway.
“Damn, I was hoping that we would get here before they did,” Sydney said, undoing her seatbelt. “I had some Cajun shrimp alfredo in the refrigerator, and if Booker is in there; it’s gone.”
Chuckling, I undo mine. “Baby, just let me know where you got it from, and will get you some more,” I said, opening my door.
After closing my door, I went over to her side and helped her out. As we walked up to the front door, it opened with Booker standing in the doorway.
“Did you eat my alfredo?” Sydney fired off.
Booker grinned as he replied, “Come on now, cousin. You already know that shit wasn’t going to last long if I was around.”
“Greedy ass,” Sydney said, walking past him.
As Booker closed the door after I entered, he said, “Well, at least this time you can’t just blame me. Batista had some too.”
Sydney stopped, looking over her shoulder at him. “Whatever, Booker. Both of you are greedy asses. Just because you have a key to my house doesn’t give you approval to eat my leftovers. Shit, I got all types of fruit, lunch meats, and shit for sandwiches, but no...every time you come here, you’re always eating my leftovers.”
I really wanted to laugh at their interaction, but I kept a straight face. Although I saw Sydney’s side, I also understood Booker’s. If you give me a key to your place, then you’re not only inviting me in, but you’re giving me approval to eat what’s in the kitchen.
Booker shook his head from side to side, trying to hide his amusement. “Syd, I’ll pick you up a whole new order tomorrow.”