Chapter 12
“Holy shit,” I yelledas two of the biggest alligators I’ve ever seen in my life swam towards the dock Domencio, and I am standing on.
After leaving the casino with three thousand in my purse, Domencio and I left. He must’ve called ahead to valet because when we stepped outside, his car was waiting for us. I expected him to take me home, but instead he brought me back to his estate. Booker and Batista had already arrived, and Reiner was nowhere to be seen, so I could only guess he was at Domencio’s guest house.
Though truly enamored with the outside of his home, nothing could prepare me for what I was about to see. Dom took my hand as he graciously helped me out before taking me onto the dock. I didn’t know what to expect. But when he opened a large cooler and took out what seemed to be cut up pieces of beef and dropped them into the water, I had to question myself. Why the hell did I let him bring me here and not take me back home?
He took out more meat but this time he let the book drip into the water. Domencio let out a whistle as he knocked the pieces of meat against the poles of the dock. Seconds later, bubbles formed on the surface of the water, and it grew closer.
“It’s dinnertime.” He roared as he continued to hit the raw meat onto the dock as ripples dispersed through the water.
As the ripples ceased about twenty feet from the dock, Domencio yelled, “Come to me.”
That’s when the beasts emerged, coming our way. He laughed, throwing the raw meat to each one of them. Their mighty jaws chomped down on their dinner before they disappeared under the water again.
“Those two my dear are David and Goliath,” Domencio informs.
Still in shock by their presence, I ask, “And they’re your two dearest friends?”
Chuckling, he replies, “Other than Batista, they are.” He moves closer, saying, "With those two, getting rid of bodies is a snap? Who’s going to get in there with them and look for evidence?”
He’s right on that part. Ain’t no way a sane person of the law, local, state, or federal would want to step foot in there without either killing the gators or tranquilizing them. Totally a good tactic on Domencio’s part.
“Now that you have met David and Goliath, let me show you the rest of my estate,” Domencio says, lacing his fingers with mine.
Still at a loss for words, I let him guide me back to the side by side. Once we’re in, he drives us back to his house.
Batista and Booker meet us at the back of the house.
“Reiner is secure at the guest house. We have his cell phone and the phone line for the guest house has been deactivated. Jefferson has made sure the house is fully stocked with food and other items,” Batista informs.
As I start to say something, a whiny voice calls out Domencio’s name.
We all turn to see a wannabe Kardashian storming towards us. I wonder who this could be? By the annoyed look on Domencio’s face, he clearly does not want her here. This should be interesting.
“Looks like trouble in paradise,” Booker says, shaking his head.
“What the hell, Domencio?” she hisses, pushing his chest.
I want to knock the shit out of her for touching him, but I keep my cool.
“Why are you here, Felicity?’ I questioned.
Felicity snorts, replying, “Are you fucking kidding me? You’ve cut me off from everything. First, the car service denied transport to the casino for me and my friends. Then after taking an Uber there, security wouldn’t let us in. Do you know how fucking embarrassing I looked in front of them? You have me out here looking like an idiot, and we’re supposed to be together.”