Page 40 of Domencio DeLuca

“I have a really good fake one,” he replies. “Plus, my facial hair adds years to my appearance.”

I’m going to have a meeting with my guards at the door. They need to be more diligent in checking everyone they let inside. If the Gaming Commission caught wind of there being underaged people betting in my casino, they would slap my ass with a hefty fine, not to mention, they could shut down the casino.

Snapping my finger at my guard closest to Reiner, I ordered, “Get his wallet.”

He nods, then tilts Reiner to the side and pulls the wallet from his back pocket before handing it to me. Opening the wallet, I go straight to his driver’s license. Taking it from the wallet, I stare at the front of it, then the back. To an untrained eye, it does look legit, but if security would have been thorough, then they would have felt the air pockets on the back of the ID.

“This is pretty good,” I say to Reiner before glaring at him. “But you’ve put my casino at risk.”

Reiner squirms in his chair, frantically stating, “Honestly, Mr. DeLuca, I wasn’t trying to do that. We were only here to find out what happened to Uncle Smitty. Shit, I didn’t even want to come. He and Uncle John Paul have always treated me like shit even before my daddy died, but they were the only family I knew. Gregor is just like them. Uncle John Paul felt that me coming here with Gregor would test my loyalty to them, but honestly, I’m nothing like them.”

“And what are you like, Reiner?” Sydney asks, leaning forward.

His face softens as he responds, “I don’t know, but I can assure it’s nothing like them. I’m sure people in our hometown see me as an asshole because of my family, but I’ve never bullied or physically harmed anyone. It’s just not in me. I guess that’s something I inherited from my momma, because if you didn’t go along with what the Uncles laid out, you got this,” he says, maneuvering his arms to show us the burn marks on his skin like tattoos.

Sydney whips her head towards me. “Dom, we can’t let this boy go back to them. If he’s the only one to return, then they might think he didn’t do all he could to protect Gregor from his death. If they think we’re holding Reiner as a bargaining chip, this might give us a leg up.

As long as he’s still breathing, he’s our Ace in the hole.”

Rubbing my chin, I state, “I know, Syd, but” I point to Reiner, “he is one of them. I’m sure if the opportunity presents itself, he’ll slit your throat from ear to ear.”

“No, I won’t,” Reiner cries. “I told you I’m not like them. I have plans for my life and my future family. I didn’t want to come here, but who am I to deny a direct order from Uncle John Paul.”

Batista sips from his glass, then says, “While that may be true, how can we trust that you won’t turn coat on us. When shit got real, you turned on them. Who’s to say you won’t do that to us?”

“These people taught me long ago that they would never accept me with open arms. It’s only by my daddy’s blood they haven’t run me off the family land.”

Glancing at Sydney, she smiles, then says, “Then it’s settled, we’ll keep Reiner here and send a message to his uncle letting him know that Reiner is dead and we’re holding his son. He might not care about Reiner being killed, but I’m sure when he hears about his son, good old Uncle John Paul will personally come for a visit and when he does, we’ll be ready for him.”

“Your plan sounds good, except for one thing,” I state.

Sydney uncrosses her legs, then stands. “And what’s that?”

“Where are we supposed to keep Reiner?”

Sydney snickers as she strolls over to me, then reaches up and gives me a quick peck on the lips. “We’re fifty-fifty right? I came up with the plan, so you can figure out what to do with him. While you’re doing that, I’ll be upstairs playing a couple hands of Blackjack.”

I grab her hand as she turns to walk away. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be by yourself right now, Sydney. We don’t know if any more of John Paul’s men are here. He could’ve sent extra as backup.” Looking at Batista, I tell him, “Have the men clean this up, then you and Booker take Reiner to my estate. Put him in the guest house with a guard detail. If he turns out to be lying to us, he’ll have the privilege of meeting David and Goliath.”

Batista laughs, “For his sake, I hope he’s not lying.”

“I’ll meet you at my house in a few hours. I’m going to accompany my lady luck upstairs,” I return as I escort Sydney to the elevator.

Once inside, Sydney asks, “Who’s David and Goliath?”

Drawing her close to me, I reply, “Two of my dearest friends who you will soon meet.”