Turning to Dom and the others, I state, “Give the man a fucking cookie.” Facing Santana and Cameron, I say, “You tried and failed. I guess it’s a good thing you can’t aim worth a shit. Instead of hitting my daddy in the heart, you shot him in the shoulder. The only reason you were able to get away is because everyone was worried about him, but you did kill two of his men on your way out the door.” I pointed the pistol back at him, saying, “Funny thing is, my daddy had all his people looking for your ass and just like the coward you are, you ran. And now you’re back like that shit never happened, like we would forget about you. Oh, no Mr. Santana your face has been etched in my brain since that night. You should’ve stayed hidden under whatever fucking rock you were hiding under because I prayed one day, you’d show up again so I could take down the man who almost took one of the most important people in my life away from me permanently.”
Santana starts to laugh. “So, you want to kill me over some shit that went down almost ten years ago? Hell, Clint didn’t die so that should count for something. Okay, okay I shot him in the arm. You want payback, here you can shoot me in this one and we can call it even.” He holds out his left arm.
“I highly doubt that would be considered even,” I say, shooting him in his right arm. Cameron jumps as Santana yells out in pain, gripping his arm as he leans over. “You didn’t give my daddy a choice, so why would I give you one?”
“Fuck you, bitch,” he slurs with spittle and blood falling from his lips as he stares up at me.
“No, fuck you,” I declare, letting off a round in his forehead.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Cameron chants, looking at his dead friend, then up at me. “Look, I told Santana back then not to fuck with Clint Morgan, but he wanted to prove himself.”
“And you were there too,” Booker states, coming to my side. “That makes you just as guilty.”
Cameron waves his hands, pleading, “No, wait. I can...”
That was all he was able to get out before Booker gave him the same fate as Santana. Nobody, and I mean nobody fucks with my family and lives to talk about it. It might take some time for our paths to cross again but eventually they will.
Looking at Domencio, I tell him, “Damn, I just made you lose some money.”
He grins, walking over to me, then grasps my hips. “Damn, the money. The retribution for your family is more valuable than these guns. Plus, it was sexy as hell.” He kisses my lips. “I didn’t lose anything because I have other buyers I can sell to.”
“What are you going to do with the bodies?” I ask.
“The men will take care of them,” Batista answers as he comes up to hand me my purse.
“Thank you,” I said with a smile.
Domencio squeezes my hips, saying, “Give Batista and I a few minutes while we go have a chat with my warehouse manager. Have a look around at the inventory. Pick out anything you may like.”
“Okay,” I return as he releases me.
As he and Batista make their way towards the back where his men took the manager, I slide the safety on my pistol, then put it back in my purse.
“Talk about being at the right place at the right time,” Booker says as he re-holsters his gun.
I give him a crazy look. “Says the person who tried to talk me out of coming here.” I start to imitate him.“I don’t know Syd; he might be trying to set you up.” “He could be trying to kidnap you and have his way with you.”“Should I go on?”
Booker laughs. “Yeah, yeah but I had every right to be cautious and apparently you were too which is why you brought me along.”
He was right but I wasn’t going to let him gloat about it.
“I brought you along because you’re my right hand. Where I go, you go. Just wait until daddy hears about this.”
“Whatever, cousin,” Booker chuckles. “Domencio and the human garbage disposer are okay with me. Let’s finish looking at these guns. I’m definitely getting that first one.”
We spent the next twenty minutes moving from crate to crate, impressed by Domencio’s cache of weapons. By the time he and Batista returned, we had picked out several of the guns we wanted to add to our personal collections. We had them lined out on a table near the front.
“That’s a pretty extensive array you have there,” Domencio says with a smile when they have reached us.
“It is,” I return. “Let me know the total price with the ammo and I will pay you the amount owed.”
He laughs, tilting his head to the side. “I will not take your money, Sydney, but I will give these to you if you give us a try.”
As I think over his request, Dom pulls me into a hug.
“Don’t think too long, Cher. I’m growing gray hairs waiting for your answer,” he laughs.
“Fine, I’ll give us a chance,” I giggle, leaning back from him. I noticed a stain on the lapel of his shirt. “Is that blood?”