Page 33 of Domencio DeLuca

Dom’s nostrils flare as he fixates his eyes on Santana.

Santana chuckles, saying, “For the right price, you can get whatever you want and thanks to your once loyal employee Carmine, I’m about to take everything in this warehouse. Your men might have taken our guns and blindfolded us, but Carmine made sure the guns on top of this crate were loaded just for us. I have a tracking device on me, and my men are on their way. With the low number of men you have in here, they are no match with mine.”

No wonder Carmine’s ass was acting strange. He was in on this bullshit.

When Santana tries to shoot at Dom again, I let off a round at him. He and Cameron duck behind a crate.

“Shit,” I hissed, missing his ass. Strong arms grip me from behind and drag me to the rear of a crate closest as I continue to squeeze the trigger.

“Stop it, Sydney,” Dom says. “You’re not hitting nothing but wood and fucking up the guns inside of them.”

Whipping my head towards him, I ask, “What do you expect me to do, Domencio? That asshole just shot at you not only once, but twice.”

“And I’m standing here. Santana’s aim is just as off as his belief that he will walk out of here alive. He may have thought the men I have in here are the only ones accounted for, but there are twice as many scattered around outside,” he informs. Dom looks over to Batista who is crouched down behind two crates with Booker, then nods. Batista raises his wrist. He starts touching the screen on his watch which is not an Apple watch. Moments later, he looks up to Dom, then moves his head up and down.

“What’s that all about?” I ask.

“That’s to make sure we get out of here in one piece,” he replies, then yells, “Santana, you might think you are one step ahead of me, but shit is not going to end the way you think. Those men you have coming this way will never make it near the warehouse. Do you really think I’m that stupid to not have a contingency plan for situations like this? The best thing for you and your lap dog to do is put those rifles down, and step forward before this gets any uglier.”

Santana’s laughter echoes behind the crate. “Do you really think I’m that stupid, DeLuca? We already know if I did that, I’m a dead man. I think I’ll stay right where I’m at.”

Gunfire erupts from outside. No doubt it’s Dom’s men taking out Santana’s. Some men yell out in pain as others beg for mercy.

“Do you hear that, Santana? I can guarantee those are not my men begging for their lives,” Dom states.

“Fuck you, DeLuca,” Santana hollers.

“No Santana, I think you are the one that’s getting fucked right now. I’ve been doing this for a long time and my men know how to deal with situations like this.”

More screams come from outside as Dom adds, “Those wails you hear are not from my men, but from yours. Your only recourse at this time is to realize when you’ve been defeated. So, let’s sweep these past few minutes under the rug while we continue our transaction.”

Inaudible mumbling comes from Santana and Cameron’s way. At one point their voices escalated, but quickly lowered.

“DeLuca,” Santana calls out.

“Yeah,” Dom answers.

“Do I have your word that you will give me the honor of parlay?” Santana queries.

Dom looks around at all of us, frowning.

He faces forward, asking, “Did you really say parlay?”

“I did,” Santana replies.

He can’t be serious,Dom says to himself before shouting back to Santana, “Okay, I’ll give you that. Drop the rifle, then the two of us can meet in the middle of the warehouse floor and discuss how all of this is going to end.”

Moments pass when Santana says, “I’ll come but Cameron is coming with me.”

“Fair enough,” Dom said before coming from behind the crate.

Seconds later, Santana appears with Cameron close behind. Cameron has his finger on the trigger of the rifle in his hands. Batista flanks Dom as he stops in the middle of the floor.

Santana says, “You know how this business is, DeLuca. It’s a dog-eat-dog world. If you want something, you take it.”

Dom grins, asking, “And you thought you could take from me?”

“It’s business, not personal," Santana declares, smirking at Dom.