“Not that we have time for that, but I will indulge you,” John Paul says. “Prosper’s family and mine are longtime acquaintances. The fact that he and Smitty were in the same Poker game wasn’t a coincidence. The plan was for Smitty to win the pot and after that, they were to rob your ass of everything in here, but you brought that woman in to throw shit off.”
I laugh. “Your brother lost because he’s a lousy Poker player.” Putting on a straight face, I said, “after hearing their plans, I guess it was a good thing Sydney and I killed his ass. Had we known Prosper was a part of it too, we would have killed him too. Whether you kill him or not, he’s going to die anyway. You really should have grabbed another hostage.”
“That may be true, but I guarantee you and that black bitch over there will join him,” John Paul threatens.
“And how do you think that’s going to happen? Once you slice his throat, how are you and big boy there going to get out of here?” Looking around at the others, I say, “You’re surrounded. I think you should have thought over your plan more clearly.”
The sound of heavy footsteps coming from the hallway gets our attention.
John Paul chuckles. “Sounds like my plan is working out just fine.”
The door flies open, and several men rush inside with guns in their hands. Sydney, Batista, and Booker draw theirs.
The men move to the side and Reiner walks in. John Paul’s eyes widened, seeing his nephew. What the hell? Has Reiner turned his back on us after all we’ve done for him?
“Reiner, they told me you were dead. Where’s Gregor? Is he with you?” John Paul fires off.
“No, Uncle John Paul he’s not,” Reiner answers.
“Then where the fuck is he?” John Paul shouts.
Reiner side eyes me, then tells his uncle, “He’s dead.”
John Paul’s face twists with anger as he drags the knife across Prosper’s neck. Prosper’s cries are gurgled as he chokes on his own blood. John Paul lets his body drop to the floor, yelling out, “You motherfuckers! Kill them all.”
The guy with John Paul raises his gun, but doesn’t get the chance to fire, when he’s hit in the chest with a bullet. I look over my shoulder at Sydney and the others to see who took the shot, but I’m surprised when they shake their heads, raising their shoulders.
I look back at the table when I hear movement. Benny places a large caliber pistol on the table. “He looked like he was aiming at me,” he says, picking up his drink, then takes a sip. I guess he’s the Benny Sydney heard about.
“Reiner, I gave you a fucking order! We have more people than they do so what the hell are you waiting on?”
Reiner looks at the men around him, then says, “Because they don’t take orders from you anymore. I thought I was coming here tonight to hang out with my new friends.”
“Your new friends?” John Paul erupts, gripping the handle of the knife. “These people killed your daddy, your cousin, and you’re going to stand there and disrespect me by calling these motherfuckers friends? What the hell is wrong with you boy? These people are not your fucking friends. Are you really going to turn your back on the only fucking family you got left?”
“Family?” Reiner growls. “None of you ever treated me like family. Would a family beat on a young kid for amusement? Would a family burn a child with cigarettes? I was never family to you all, not even my own fucking daddy. In the short period of time I’ve known Domencio and the others, they have treated me more like family than any of you have in my entire life.”
“Then you’re going to die with them,” John Paul declares.
“And who’s going to do that? You?” Reiner challenges. “Because these men follow me now. When I saw them going towards the private elevator, I knew you were here. It didn’t take long to convince them to join me. After spending years of enduring abuse from you and my daddy, barely getting paid, or having their families threatened, they were ready for a new leader.”
John Paul lets out a loud chuckle. “You, you’re going to lead them? Boy, you couldn’t lead them down Canal Street. The best thing for you to do is come to your fucking senses and remember who your people are.”
Reiner lowers his head.
“That’s right, remember who has been there for you all your life. Remember that you are a fucking Maldau!” John Paul screams.
Reiner slowly raises his head. “I remember,” he says before pulling his gun, then shooting his uncle in the head.