Page 64 of The Ruthless Greek

“If you ladies will excuse us, I’d like to introduce Deanna to my father before we sit,” I told them, then took Deanna’s hand in mine and led her to where the men were congregated.

“There he is,” Alistair roared with his crazy self.

I dipped my head, chuckling. “Yes, here I am.”

“Now we can finally eat,” Balthazar teased.

Laughing, I said, “Yes, we can but before we do, I’d like to formally introduce my fiancée, Deanna to Father, Uncle Sebastian, and Yiannis.”

Father stepped forward, grinning. “Hello, daughter. I don’t think Yiorgos could’ve picked a better woman to have by his side. There’s a saying in our family, once a Kourakos claims a woman, there’s no turning back. Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

Deanna glanced at me, then back at Father. “Yes, sir. I’m ready.”

Father smiled wide, stating, “Then welcome to the family.” I released her hand when he hugged her. He held onto her as he introduced his soon to be daughter-in-law to Uncle Sebastian and Yiannis. They happily greeted her, each welcoming my Kitten into the family.

Breakfast went off without a hitch. Uncle Sebastian sat at the head of the table and Father sat on the other end. There was no talk about what happened the night before, just my family enjoying one another’s company. Of course, Alistair kept everyone laughing with his crazy stories. I love my cousin, really, I do but the man is a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket. And the way Devyn hangs onto his every word, I know she’s going to be just as deadly as him. Thank God she’s a part of our family.

After breakfast was over, GeeGee had the ladies clear the table. Wanting to hold baby Zar, I asked Nina if it would be okay.

“Of course,” she said, handing him off to me.

Zar smiled as I carefully took him in my arms. Deanna leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I don’t know how it’s done in your culture but if we’re really going to get married, then you need to ask my father for my hand.” I raised my brow at her. “Don’t worry. Whether he says yes or no, I’m still going to marry you. Just do this for me. I think he feels some kind of way about our engagement.”

“Fine, Kitten. I will do this for you,” I said as baby Zar yawned.

“Thank you,” she responded before kissing my cheek, then getting up to help the ladies.

As the men talked, I rocked baby Zar to sleep thinking about the day Deanna and I will have our first child. Having him in my arms made me long for that day to come and I’m going to do everything in my power to make it happen soon.

When Nina came to get baby Zar who was sleeping peacefully as I held him, I was able to ask Mr. Lowe to join me on the balcony so we could have our talk. Father must’ve known what I was about to do because when I looked over at him, he bowed his head. I returned the gesture before getting up.

On the patio, I offered Mr. Lowe one of my cigars. I clipped the tip when he accepted, then handed it to him. After doing the same to mine, I lit his cigar. Once his was lit, I lit mine.

Our conversation started out light but then not one to beat around the bush Mr. Lowe asked about my intentions with his eldest daughter since I didn’t come to him first about asking for Deanna’s hand in marriage.

“Mr. Lowe, with all due respect I honestly didn’t think I needed your approval to marry your daughter.” I raised my hands when he narrowed his eyes at me. “I’m not trying to be disrespectful, Mr. Lowe, not at all. In my family, if you want to marry someone, you get married. There’s no asking the parents, you just get married, but I now understand things are not the same here and I do apologize. So, Mr. Lowe I love Deanna and still will after I’m dead and gone. She means everything to me. Whether you approve of me or not, I’m still going to marry her and you’re just going to have to get used to me being a part of your family.”

Mr. Lowe took a long drag from his cigar as he studied me. He slowly blew out the smoke before stating, “Son, you proved yourself when you looked out for my family. Not many men will do that, but you did. Deanna has told me and her momma how much she loves you and how good you are to her. If she accepts you, then we do too, but I just want you to know that after being with law enforcement for as long as I did, I know your family. I can’t pick or choose who my girls fall in love with.” Seeing the no joking expression look on his face let me know my family secret wasn’t one to him. “As long as you keep my daughter out of your shit, then we won’t have any problems. I might be retired, but I’m still have connections.”

“Yes, sir,” I said, blowing out a billow of smoke.

Mr. Lowe gazed at me before smiling. “Welcome to the family, Yiorgos.”

I let out a sigh of relief. I did that for Deanna because whether he approved or not, Deanna was going to be my wife. Not even him saying no would keep me from securing a life with Deanna. Sometimes in life there’s no way of stopping the inevitable. Deanna was destined to be mine and if anyone thought otherwise, then I hoped that they had their final arrangements together. The only thing that could separate me and Deanna was God himself. I would take the death of a thousand men before I let her out of my life.

Mr. Lowe and I stayed on the patio enjoying our cigars as we moved on to talking about the remodeling of Deanna’s bookstore. He accepted my offer for him and Mrs. Lowe to use one of the remaining condos whenever they needed a getaway.

When we were done, we went back inside to find everyone in the living room talking about meeting up at Uncle Sebastian’s house later that evening for a barbeque. When GeeGee started doling out assignments for everyone, Uncle Sebastian put his foot down stating the food would be catered from one of the hottest barbeque restaurants in the city. He wanted everyone to enjoy themselves without the men standing over a hot ass grill or the women in the kitchen preparing sides.

GeeGee grumbled her disapproval but once she heard which restaurant the food was coming from, she quieted down.

I think the breakfast and barbeque was something my family needed. At Uncle Sebastian’s the ladies were able to let their hair down as they played in the pool with Devyn and Gemma. The men were able to talk about shit other than having to whack the next motherfucker who threatened our family. Overall, it was a good fucking day. I just wished my other younger siblings could’ve been there. They’d meet my lady love soon and I know they will love her just as much as I do.

The clicking of Deanna’s heels on the hard wood floors brings me back to the now.

“I’m ready, baby,” Deanna says, waltzing into the living room in a pair of ripped jeans, a vintage black and white Bon Jovi t-shirt, and black heels. She has on a stylish black brimmed hat on her head and gold framed sunglasses.

“Beautiful,” I say, admiring my lovely fiancée as I put my cigar out.