Page 7 of The Ruthless Greek

He briefly studied me before a huge smile spread across his face. “Now, you know I can’t let you go over there without me. I just wanted to be asked.”

I laughed tussling his hair. Even though Basil was two years younger than me, he was not only my brother but my best friend. We did everything together and I couldn’t see going on this journey without him.

Basil’s laughter fell as he put on a straight face. “Thank you, brother, and as your Second in Command I vow to always protect you.”

“No thanks needed, and I have no doubt you will as I will have yours,” I told him.

“This calls for drinks. Basil pours you and Yiorgos up a glass of brandy,” Father excitedly said as he pulled out his cigar case, then took one out and handed it to me. “In the meantime, let’s call Sebastian and Yiannis to tell them the good news and after that you two can tell your mother. I know I’ll get an ear full later, but she’ll understand.”

Uncle Sebastian and Yiannis were thrilled to find out we were coming. Yiannis said it was right on time too because they were having some issues with a Mexican Cartel and would love for us to be a part of eliminating them. I took it as a sign for us to show them our special skill sets, especially Balthazar.

Chapter 3


Ilaugh to myself asI think back to the look of shock and irritation on Balthazar’s face the morning Basil and I walked into the condo here in Dallas. Since then, Balthazar and I have been on good terms, but he had no idea Uncle Sebastian sent for us to accompany them on their mission to take down the grandson of the Cartel. I must say, I was impressed with Balthazar and his men. I thought Father had men who could get him special weapons, but they had nothing on Mike and his crew, especially Tech. Since then, Balthazar and I have been on good terms. He even surprised me when he asked me to be one of his groomsmen in his and Nina’s wedding.

Deep in thought, I look up when the driver stops the SUV at the security gate to Balthazar’s house. The driver gets clearance, then pulls through the gate. There are beautiful houses around here. I might have to look into purchasing one just to see Balthazar’s reaction of me living in the same neighborhood as him.

“Did you remember to bring the envelope with the money Father and Mother wanted to give them?” Basil asks, sitting next to me on the second-row seat.

Patting the left side of my chest, I reply, “Got it right here.”

The driver turns into Balthazar’s circular driveway where several vehicles are already parked. An archway of blue balloons hangs around the front door and in the middle of the lawn is a large cartoon stork holding a baby with the words ‘It’s A Boy’ under it. Once we’re parked, Basil and I get out while the driver retrieves the gift bags. We take them from him, then stroll up the walkway. I knock on the door, then open it.

“Yiorgos, Basil,” Devyn greets us, coming into the foyer with a cute light brown skinned little girl with reddish brown curly hair.

“Hello, little cousin. How are you?” I return, bending down to give her a hug.

Devyn has a special place in my heart after finding out what she did to protect Uncle Sebastian. This little girl is fierce and has earned her place in the Kourakos family.

“I’m good,” she replies, smiling as I release her, and she hugs Basil next.

“You’re looking cute as ever. Pretty soon your brothers are going to be beating the boys off with sticks,” Basil teases.

Devyn giggles. “No, Alistair says he’s going to shoot them.”